Saturday, June 21, 2014

Phantom of the Movies Videoscope

Phantom of the Movies VideoscopeThe Phantom of the Movie's VideoScope Magazine (Fall 2006, Issue 60) Editor/ Publisher The Phantom of the Movies



The glossy covers usually feature cult icons and Hammer horror monsters. The pages inside have a similar feel to a newspaper. At first glance this may dissuade you from buying it, but you would be missing out on the wide variety of reviews it features.

What comes standard in every issue are "The Phantom Speaks" (Editor's Note),"Phantom Pheedback" (Letters from Readers), and "Phantom Phlashes" (one column of upcoming horror movies/ news).

But it is the wide variety of movie reviews that VideoScope is best known for. There are new DVD release reviews spawning 80 total covering horror and other genres complete with a Review Index at the back for reference. There is something here for everyone whether you like horror, cult, underground, imported, sci-fi, Westerns, animation, or documentaries. There are also the self-explanatory sections such as "Arthouse Video", "Nazi Business", "Asian Invasion", "Mondo Retro", "Cult Corner", "Best of Anime", "TV Terrors", and more! And a "Phantom Bookshelf" is included which covers a few new genre books that hit the market.

Mixed in with the many review sections are a few long interviews as well. Scott Voisin's Character Kings" profiles veteran genre actor Ray Wise (Twin Peaks, RoboCop, Jeepers Creepers 2). Verne Langdon is covered in "Monster Star Memories" and speaks fondly of everyone from Vincent Price to a boozy Lon Chaney Jr. to a feisty Mae West. "Jeff Burr: Scare Sequels to Wartime Terror" by Calum Waddell explores Burr's film history from his directorial debut "From a Whisper to a Scream" to his sequels with Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, Pumpkinhead 2, Stepfather 2 to his current horrific non-horror film "Straight into Darkness". Interviewer Calum then turns his sights on John Hancock, director of "Let's Scare Jessica to Death" and "Mayhem".

Generally speaking, the immense list of reviews and genres covered is great. Not many mags could pull this much off. Unfortunately, there is not much in the way of industry news or previews. No genre music, comic books, and merchandise are covered at all. And the feel of the mag is PG-13 with old school horror icons on the covers, which may not appeal to hardcore Horrorites.

Cost: $24 for 6 Issues through VideoScope, Or $17 for 4 Issues from Amazon.

Bottom Line: If reading genre movie reviews gets you excited, then this is the mag for you. Anyone looking for an all-encompassing genre look, you may want to go elsewhere.

Rating: 7.5/10

Molly Celaschi

Just wanted to say that I used to buy this magazine several years ago but then stopped finding it in the stores in the UK so assumed it had ceased publication. Then I found the latest issue online and ordered a copy...and I'm so glad I did!! It still has the best and most diverse movie reviews around covering horror, sci-fi, drive-in,grindhouse, blaxploitation...all the good fun stuff! Ok, so it's not all glossy and printed in color but I think that adds to the appeal. Buy an issue now and if you love it, grab a subscription!!

Buy Phantom of the Movies Videoscope Now

the other gentleman's description of this publication is excellent . my wife and i consider this a perfect bathroom reader . at just 17.00 dollars for four issues , it's about half the cost per issue of the other related magazines on the shelf (which are monthly) "FANGORIA" , "RUE MORGUE" , etc (if you can find them) . those other publications are visually hardcore and mostly contemporary in content and contain infinitely less information as well . thank you JOE KANE (the phantom of the movies) .

Read Best Reviews of Phantom of the Movies Videoscope Here

This Magazine is the best resource for any film fan. not just Horror fans.

They cover every thing from new releases to independent films to lost and rare classics. I find several films to ad to my Netflix Que in every issue.

And the writing isn't dry and impersonal. These guys love movies.

Want Phantom of the Movies Videoscope Discount?

If you are a fan of obscure and bizarre films and actors, this magazine is a must for you. One of the very few zines to last throufgh the great zine collapse of the late 90's early-00's. Must have!

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