Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nutrition Action Health Letter - Us ed

Nutrition Action Health Letter - Us edI have a subscription to this mag. for the last 10 years( I'm now 33). I have moved several times and after a month or two they will start to catch up. On the inside cover is info on contacting them.

I love it because they have no ads in it and they are very very honest about all information on nutrition, additives, diet books, heart healthy, etc.. For example, They don't have Pepsi in 2/3's of the mag. so they can't say anything bad about diet soda in fear of having the sponsor pull out. The tell it ALL like it is. This is not a magazine if your looking for information like you get in Woman's Day, or one of those ad. packed magazines with one more way to loose 50 pounds over night while you sleep. It has really helped me to make wise choices for my family on what are the best kinds of foods to eat. The more we know, the better our choices will be for our families and ourselves.

According to my economic ability to do so, I have subscribed to this magazine since 1974 without any problems. Over the years, it has influenced me and my family to eat more vegetables and to be leery of the advertising on food packaging. I have learned to read ingredient labels and enjoy the latest scientific information about food without the usual bombardment of advertising, as this magazine doesn't accept advertising. What you get is approximately sixteen pages of articles and news items. It includes such things as recipes for making healthier sandwiches, which frozen foods are healthier among certain brands, specific brands to avoid based on lack of healthy ingredients, and occasionally recipes. Some months the main article is totally engrossing; sometimes it is less interesting, but the interesting articles make subscribing worthwhile.

Buy Nutrition Action Health Letter - Us ed Now

I have never been compelled to review anything on Amazon until now. I've subscribed to this newsletter for almost a year, and in that time I've changed significant life choices (watching my salt intake, dropping some prepared food brands from my purchases) due completely and only to the information I read in this newsletter.

It takes very little time to go through the articles and find the one(s) that'll hit you that month. The newsletter is very thin, infrequent, and 100% worth the money. Isn't your health worth a few bucks a year?

Read Best Reviews of Nutrition Action Health Letter - Us ed Here

As a physician this is my most highly recommended periodical on nutrition. Its also the most completely read and newsletter received by my entire family. What is better than factual ad-free nutrition information, a rarity indeed!

Want Nutrition Action Health Letter - Us ed Discount?

I have only received one issue, but it is extremely informative. I am a health food information junkie, and there's info in here that I haven't read about anywhere else. I had no problem getting it on time. I signed up at the beginning of December and received my first issue mid-January. The newsletter comes monthly except for there's no February issue and no August issue. That might be why some people aren't getting theirs for a while. I think it depends on when you sign up.

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