Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sueddeutsche Zeitung - Daily - Mon-Sat

Sueddeutsche Zeitung - Daily - Mon-SatThis is Germany's leading quality daily. It has a paid circulation of more than 445,000 copies and it is one of the few newspapers with an increasing number of readers. Its readers are among the best educated and top earners in Germany. If you are interested in more data you can find it here:

Personally I like top stories on the first page, the background information on the second, the reportage on page 3 and leaders on page 4, especially if written by Dr. Heribert Prantl. Then they have broad coverage of German and international news. They have more space for editorial content than almost any other German daily. The feature pages ("Feuilleton") are a pleasure to read, especially the articles about politics. Of course there is an business section but I prefer to read The Economist about things like this. Since the paper is edited in Munich they always have some Bavarian news, too. So if you want to know about Oktoberfest, this is your paper. Last, not least there is the famous Streiflicht, a daily gloss on the first page which gives you a refreshing view about the "really important" news today.

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