Sunday, August 17, 2014

Still Point Arts Quarterly

Still Point Arts QuarterlyThese magazines are great. This will be a collectors item. Although Still Point Arts Quarterly is a new publication it puts others to shame. The quality of the writing, reproductions of the artwork, the paper, and even the type is among the best I have seen. I am so glad I decided to join its growing ranks of thrilled customers. I am looking forward to the next issue.

This magazine is a must-have for anyone interested in the visual arts. It features interesting articles about contemporary and past artists, and fine poetry as well. The full-color reproductions accompanying the writing are gorgeous too. Well worth subscribing to by individuals, libraries and schools alike.

Buy Still Point Arts Quarterly Now

7/5/2011, 2nd issue By now I read most of the articles, looked closely at the art and enjoyed the entire issue from cover to cover.

It is beautifully presented and is of very high quality. I showed it off at a party all were impressed.

I'm honored and happy to be included in it. Thank you!

Michal Barkai,

Read Best Reviews of Still Point Arts Quarterly Here

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