Sunday, October 12, 2014

Scottish Life

Scottish LifeMy family loves this magazine. If you love Scotland, you will greatly enjoy reading this mag cover to cover! I spend hours reading each episode when they come.

I really love this magazine. I read it cover to cover. I've read several magazines on various parts of the UK and many are very good, but I believe this is the one that I find myself reading completely. Highly recommended.

Buy Scottish Life Now

This is my favorite Scottish magazine. It has news items and wonderful articles about places to visit, unusual occupations and things to do. One of my favorite articles was about Cawdor Castle. Great place to read about Scotland.

Read Best Reviews of Scottish Life Here

"Scottish Life" is an excellent and exceptionally well-written magazine.

Autumn 2011, the latest issue, contains eighty pages. In this issue, two of the main features are regarding Scottish Art, including Andy Scott's monumental art pieces and the newly restored and expanded National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. Both art stories have nice photos, (small and large), and the magazine in general has a fair amount of photos.

There are also short and long stories about ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Different stories involve haggis, bagpiping, whisky, the changing politics, dancing, bird migration, and a village.

Departments include music, books, news, and "Notes From The Isles". The book department has an interesting book review about the historical and prolonged feud between the MacDonalds and the Campbells.

I highly recommend this magazine. It is well worth reading.

Want Scottish Life Discount?

I know the magazine well, it's great! but i have not received it yet.

Maybe there is something you could do about that.

Appears to take a long time to receive, i don't understand why.

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