Monday, November 24, 2014

Canadian Business

Canadian Business"Canadian Business" is a long time magazine published since 1928. It is published out of Toronto, Ontario and is generally published bi-weekly.

The November, 2011 issue contains 132 pages. Topics include the following:

An editorial and a separate opinion piece on the Occupy Wall Street protesters

Letters from readers

Winners and losers: companies and people that go up and down

Analysis on Steve Jobs

Article on the oilsands of Alberta province

Article on a successful Canadian mining company

Guide to Canadian graduate business schools (MBA schools)

Article on France's School of Economic Warfare

Article on entrepeneur financing and banking

Summary of three books

The magazine has a similar layout to popular American business and news magazines. There does seem to be quite a bit of coverage of American businesses from a Canadian perspective.

At $70.24 for 22 issues, (1 year), it is pricey. I saw a postcard offering the magazine for $24.95 plus tax, for the same number of issues, to Canadian subscribers only.

Try the website; it is free.

Canadian unemployment rate in September of 2011 is 7.1%.

I sometimes read this magazine and I'm from Canada; it's a pretty good book with a good Canadian slant towards topics.

Buy Canadian Business Now

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