Friday, November 21, 2014

Extra! - the Newsletter of Fair

Extra! - the Newsletter of FairThe newsletter of the non-profit media watchdog organization Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (F.A.I.R.), EXTRA! provides unbiased, trustworthy news reporting criticism. Conglomerates whose interests oppose the people's continue buying broadcast and print news establishments. EXTRA! serves as a CONSUMER REPORTS of the news business, nailing corporate media on the half-truths and lies they report.

Come to think of it, if I could read only two publications, they would be CONSUMER REPORTS and EXTRA!. Along with learning which washing machines to avoid, you need to know when news organizations are defective.

And it's not just FOX NEWS CHANNEL, THE NEW YORK POST and THE WASHINGTON TIMES that get the story wrong. EXTRA! also calls out THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE WASHINGTON POST, NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO and P.B.S. TELEVISION for incorrect and misleading reports.

Don't trust corporate media. Subscribe to EXTRA!.

I've been a subscriber to FAIR's "Extra!" for one year now. For a news junkie (such as myself), it provides great progressive-driven analysis and criticism of US mainstream media particularly cable news and major newspapers. They offer a progressive viewpoint, so this of course influences their perspectives on social or economic issues. With this in mind, they do a well-researched job in their critiques, something which CANT be said for the myriad of pundits on TV or right-wing media watch groups such as AIM (Accuracy in Media).

Buy Extra! - the Newsletter of Fair Now

EXTRA is published bimonthly by FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, Inc.). Sample article titles in the current issue (June 2004) are "How Public is Public Radio"? and "Nafta's Hung Jury." The magazine offers criticism of media bias and censorship. The favorite targets seem to be members of the media elite such as Rush Limbaugh, Ted Koppel and Bill O'Reilly as well as leading newspapers including the WASHINGTON POST, NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY and LOS ANGELES TIMES. Attention is also paid to all major TV and radio outlets. The internet so far gets scant mention.

In order to fully appreciate EXTRA it helps if you are a news junky. I think I qualify on that score but I am probably somewhat to the right of the editors of this publication. It appears to me that EXTRA has a decidedly liberal slant. That judgement no doubt in influenced by my vantage point.

Read Best Reviews of Extra! - the Newsletter of Fair Here

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