Sunday, November 23, 2014

Los Angeles Magazine (1-year automatic renewal)

Los Angeles MagazineLos Angeles Magazine has a variety of information for everyone. Some of the stores, fashions, etc... might run on the high end price-wise (especially the paid advertisements). But the magazine always offers a great overview of what is going on in Los Angeles. Covering News, Politics, Celebrities, Fashion, Food and Fun things to do. The best issue is the Annual Restaurant issue this is not to be missed. Restaurants in every price range are listed. Besides the "Dining Out" monthly section, there is "The Top Ten" plays, music, museums and more to do that month. This magazine is a great way to get to know Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Magazine is great and I love reading it, but this Subscription Service is terrible.

I purchased my Los Angeles Magazine Subscription here through Amazon. My first two issues, March and April, arrived promptly. However, it was May 1 and I did not receive my May issue yet, and I noticed it was already on sale on newsstands and people at the UCLA Book Festival had already received it.

I called up the Subscription service number, and the woman told me as a Subscriber, the post office would deliver my May Issue on May 17, even if the issue was already on sale.

That is baffling. As a Subscriber to other magazines, I usually receive my issues before or at the same time as newsstands.

Unless you like receiving you Magazine three weeks late and when the month is almost over, I would not advise you signing up with this Subscription Service through Amazon.

It is now May 19, and I still have not received my May Issue. After two additional phone calls to the Subscription hotline, I was told they would redeliver my May issue but it would take two weeks (which would bring us to June).

UPDATE June 2, 2009: I still have not received my May issue, but funny enough, my JUNE issue came already. I called the Subscription Hotline again 1-800-876-5222, and this time talked to Christy. She told me the replacement issue was due in 3-4 weeks, instead of the 2 weeks maximum I was told by Joyce. What terrible, inconsistent customer service. I was very pleasant to Christy, but she hung up on me as I was telling her to have a good night.

Los Angeles magazine may be great, but their Subscription Service is the bottom of the barrel. I sent a letter to their Subscriptions Headquarters P.O. Box 420235 Palm Coast, FL 32142-0235 on May 19 and have not heard back yet.

When renewal time comes, I certainly won't. If Amazon would let me edit my star rating, I would change it to ONE star. Shame on these people!

Buy Los Angeles Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Now

Being that LA is my favourite city anywhere, I used to always buy this at my local Borders (until they decided to no longer keep this and keep instead a thousand magazines on stitchcraft or fishing etc). Now I always look forward to picking up a couple of copies when in America. However, I find that between trips, it's only the articles that change. They still review and list the same restuarants and don't change them up as much as they probably could/should.

I do love the articles about various people around town or the things going on in the city, but there is too much of the same material in various editions. I don't want to keep reading the same restaurant listings and the same advertising at the back of the magazine all the time. I agree with another reviewer that this isn't as good as the New Yorker.

Read Best Reviews of Los Angeles Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Here

These magazine really is just a bunch of advertising. You might as well just pick up a South Coast brochure rather than pay for this. I subscribed for just five bucks a year, and I still feel ripped off!!

There is really just one semi-interesting restaurant related article per issue, but I can just go to yelp instead for free advice.

LA Weekly is better (and free)

Want Los Angeles Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Discount?

I love having this come to my home. I used to read it only in doctor's offices and want to tear out pages of information. Hey, if you live in Los Angeles. It is great to have this subscription. The restaurant breakdowns and reviews alone are worth it. Plus you can always find out about new things to do and see. It's classy and adult.

Save 80% Off

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