Thursday, December 25, 2014

Classics Illustrated Junior

Classics Illustrated JuniorI am extremely pleased to be able to obtain these superbly resurrected versions of Classics Illustrated Junior. I have several already, and plan to purchase all issues made available. Except for a very slight reduction in size, these reproductions are exact reprints of the original books I enjoyed as a kid; I read every copy of both Classics Illustrated and Classics Illustrated Junior, I could get my hands on, back in the 1950s. I, like many unfortunate souls, allowed my collection to slip through my fingers over the years; hey, we read and traded comic books back then, we didn't collect them. I, like many people, wish I had. Now, I have another chance. I read the Classic Illustrated Junior publications to my 4-? year old granddaughter; she loves them. This time I plan to keep them, and pass them on for my great grandchildren to enjoy. The stories, illustrations, and material contained in these reprints are of exceptional quality. I believe it would be of great benefit to our youth to occasionally turn off their game boys and TV; sit back and enjoy these simple treasures. Both adults and children may actually develop an appreciation for a long-standing form of valued entertainment.

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