Tuesday, December 2, 2014

World Airnews

World AirnewsAirnews is a magazine that provides articles and news concerning developments and trends in the aviation industry in South Africa, although it claims to be a magazine for the whole African continent. For those stakeholders of the aviation industry in Southern Africa, this is a very interesting and enlightening magazine on developments in the industry. However, for those outside the region and particularly outside the African continent, the issues covered in the magazine may be of limited relevance and interest.

Having said the above, it is worth noting that South Africa accounts for a large proportion of all aviation activities in Africa, estimated to be up to 40 percent. Therefore, the developments in this African economic giant are of interest to many aviation professionals especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The coverage of the magazine is quite wide, including military and civil aircraft, training, airlines, corporate jets, commuter operations, helicopters, aircraft sales, aircraft maintenance, aircraft financing issues, regulatory developments and other news items.

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