Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hadassah Magazine

Hadassah MagazineThe articles are interesting and the money goes for a great cause. I highly recommend it.

This magazine is beautifully printed and illustrated. The print is

large and easy to read. ( Years ago, it was a large-tabloid size,

news-print affair....but, thank goodness, it has become more stream-

lined, and....even if there is less info in it, at least it is of

a paper type more ameniable to people reading and keeping it! )

The articles have toned down as well...they are now more centrist, and

some articles even have an Arab perspective or two, a sympathetic

and Humanistic view. This is all to the the stridency of

years past was something very difficult for me to read.

However....HADASSAH officially calls itself: "HADASSAH INTERNATIONAL"

-or at least it does in its excellent "YOUTUBE" videos... I always expected at least half the material to be on what Jewish people -and particularly,

Jewish women -were doing around the world. But is all slanted

to Israel, and what the people THERE are doing. Once in a while, a

four-to-eight page supplement, "THE AMERICAN SCENE", is added, (at least in the American edition....I can only hope other countries at least have supplements entitled: "The Canadian Scene", "The Canadian Scene", etc., as

well -but even this is not what I had always expected....quite the

reverse!) If HADASSAH, INTERNATIONAL is indeed an INTERNATIONAL Jewish organization and magazine....shouldn't

at least half of every issue be devoted to what Jewish women, WORLD-WIDE,

are doing?

In one issue, years ago, it was stated that "being Jewish, and FEELING

Jewish are two different things." I guess they were right in this.

Somehow, though born Jewish, I have never really FELT Jewish. I have

always felt simply HUMAN, like the rest of Humanity. To me, ethnic

differences pale beside the great simularities that make EVERYONE

A HUMAN Being. Perhaps HADASSAH Magazine would gain a wider reader-

ship -of both Jews and Gentiles -if they were to concentrate on

SIMULARITIES between Jews and others, and not the differences. In

dping so, HADASSAH could go a long way in fighting anti-semitism...

because it's real hard to hate people who are more similar than

differnt from you.

HADASSAH Magazine has come a long way from the xenophobic, almost

paranoid publication it was twenty years ago. I can only hope it

will continue -by showing more articles on WORLDWIDE Jewish life,

-and so reflect, more correctly, upon the name, 'HADASSAH, INTERNATIONAL", and also maybe even have a few articles on world-wide

Christian, Moslem, Buddist, and Humanist life. My rabbi

taught us that all people are equal under ONE God. Only God is different.

And we are ALL His equally-beautiful creations! This Humanistic side of

Judaism should be emphasized, I HADASSAH Magazine, and elsewhere. It can only serve to make everyone feel more comfortable with each other, world-wide!

Buy Hadassah Magazine Now

This is a magazine I grew up with. I always liked its warm inspiring articles about life in Israel. Usually it has excellent photography, and its articles are colorful.

It is a magazine which for years has been read with pleasure in thousands of Jewish homes.

Read Best Reviews of Hadassah Magazine Here

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