Saturday, August 24, 2013

Reader's Digest (2-year)

Reader's DigestThis publication isn't what it used to be. I am 32 years old and for my entire (yes entire) life my family has subscribed to the Reader's Digest. It is the perfect ahem... restroom reading material because it contains short, well written stories that are either amusing, thought provoking, heart warming (or a combination of all three).

Now, every other page literally is an advertisement for a pharmaceutical product of some kind. The first thing I do when I receive my monthly copy is I rip out the ads. In doing so I'm usually left with LESS THAN HALF of the pages I started with. I feel like I'm paying for a monthly subscription to pharmaceutical ads. "Now, That's Outrageous!"

I'm so sad and disappointed. I won't be renewing my subscription next year and I feel like I've lost a lifelong friend. I hope my review helps you in your decision.

First off, I agree with what others have said about too many ads. That's partly what is keeping me from renewing it.

Overall..if it weren't for the ads, I would continue to enjoy this magazine because I love the humor, easy reading stories, information, etc.

However...when my subscription ends they keep calling and calling and CALLING me about renewing. Or saying "We hope you are enjoying your subscription to Readers Digest"..(when I'm not subscribed anymore). I tell them no, I'm not going to renew..the next day I come home with three calls on my answering machine from them. This is not a one time occurrence either.

The magazine itself is good. However I think they should either lower the price or drop some of the ads.

Buy Reader's Digest (2-year) Now

RD does have some interesting consumer & finance articles, but it has waa-a-a-y too many ads. I would never actually pay for it, but I do get a subscription as a gift every year. I end up ripping half the magazine's weight out in ads and no, that's not "just life" as some other reviewer said, it's downright shameful.

Also, make sure you get on the RD website and change your privacy preferences; like other second-rate companies who like to abuse customers, they implicitly assume you want to be spammed by them and have them rent your information out to third parties.

Read Best Reviews of Reader's Digest (2-year) Here

I've always loved this magazine, but I completely agree with the other reviewers... not ONLY are there entirely too many ads, but they make a FORTUNE selling your information. I was completely shocked at the amount of junk mail that started POURING in after I first subscribed to Reader's Digest. They should be ashamed of themselves. I do enjoy reading it, but refuse to renew out of principle.

Want Reader's Digest (2-year) Discount?

I bought this subscription to Readers Digest here at Amazon in January 2011 and didn't receive mt first issue until March 2011. Started getting renewal letters in with my magazine about 2 months ago and got to wondering when my subscription was ending? I looked here at Amazon and it says March 2013 which is correct then I looked at the label on my magazine and it says November 2012. What's going on here that is a 4 month difference in what I paid for and what I am actually receiving. So I contacted Amazon about this and they promptly shuffled me off to Readers Digest (Thanks Amazon)who gave me a song and dance story about how the May issue was a special issue and it was so much bigger that it counted as 2 issues. Well I pulled out my May issue and it has about 10 extra pages compared to the other issues. so shame on you Readers Digest for trying to rip off consumers and an even bigger shame on you Amazon for not standing behind what you are selling.

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