Saturday, November 23, 2013

Atlanta Magazine (1-year automatic renewal)

Atlanta MagazineThis is a beautifully designed and produced magazine. Well written too, with interesting articles and features (so far in 3 issues). Particularly bearing in mind it is a magazine for one city, and not a whole region / state. I have seen good regional magazines in England but never a magazine of such quality for a single city. If you live in or near Atlanta I would say that a subscription to this magazine is a must.

I feel the magazine assumes prior knowledge. We have just moved here from the UK, and it is difficult to get orientated in Atlanta. But then again, it would become a guide book wouldn't it?

Also lot of space is taken up with restaurant reviews, compared to say culture or shopping. If you live in a Metro area and don't visit the center often, that is an awful lot of restaurants to try to sample.

2 minor personal gripes for what really is an excellent magazine.

I love the articles in this magazine. I find them to be interesting and well written. What I hate about this magazine is that it's mostly advertising. I wouldn't pay top dollar for it and wish they'd increase the amount of articles.

Buy Atlanta Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Now

Fresh, smart and funny. A good mix of cool style/spa/shopping insider info and serious/substantive articles. Restaurant reviews are intelligent and well-written. Reading the Our Town section can make you an instant ATL insider.

Read Best Reviews of Atlanta Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Here

My husband and I have lived in Atlanta for about eight years. We subscribed to Atlanta magazine shortly after moving here and recently re-subscribed after an absence of many years.

I am enjoying the magazine. I feel that the articles are well-written and relevant to my life as an Atlantan, particularly one who lives inside the perimeter. The cover stories are often very topical. For example, it was great to see an in-depth look at the mortgage crisis from a local perspective. Another recent cover story was about "Atlanta's Top Doctors," which definitely provoked some conversation in my social circle. I also appreciate the restaurant reviews. They are concise, informative, and seem aptly critical.

I don't have any major beefs with the magazine, but have noticed a few factual errors. In one issue they confused some statistics between Decatur and Unincorporated DeKalb, a common problem but one that I don't expect to see in a publication with such a large circulation.

I am glad I decided to resubscribe and will probably renew at the end of the year.

Want Atlanta Magazine (1-year automatic renewal) Discount?

I've lived in Atlanta my entire life and Atlanta Magazine still manages to show me parts of the metro area I never knew about (the magazine covers far outside the city limits). It also does a good job of remembering the city's past as well as looking towards its future. If you live in Atlanta or are just visiting the city this magazine will keep you busy.

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