Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition)

The Wall Street JournalI renewed my WSJ subscription through Amazon because it saved me over $125 per year. ($249 vs. $376.) Amazon states that you can renew through their service, as well as buy new subscriptions. But it has been a major headache. I started receiving 2 issues. When I called WSJ, they said that you cannot renew through Amazon, that this has to be handled as a 2nd subscription. All they could do is put my first subscription on hold for 12 months until my new subscription runs out. Then restart my first subscription for the 2 months that remain on it. WSJ is inflexible and acts like they don't have anything to do with the subscriptions purchased through Amazon. I would advise anyone else purchasing a renewal to Wall Street Journal through Amazon to wait until you have about 3 weeks left on your subscription before renewing. You may end up missing a few issues before your new subsciption kicks in, but that is better than trying to deal with WSJ's customer service dept.

Love the product there was a problem with "forwarding" the order so it has yet to come.

Buy The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Now

If you like to get all the business news of the week consolidated in one publication, the WSJ weekend edition is definitely something to order. It's so "meaty"; my husband and I look forward to getting it each Saturday. And at $1/issue, a great bargain.

Read Best Reviews of The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Here

Back in the mid-60s I started investing in the stock market. I was a long way from New York and Wall Street and I needed an accurate news source regarding the business community. I'd buy the Wall Street Journal at the bookstore where I work (San Diego State). It would be a day late, but that was okay. To give you an idea of how long ago that was, it was $.25 a copy and it came in one section.

Finally, I began to subscribe to the WSJ and it then arrived by mail (a day late) and came in two sections. Finally, they started delivering it here in San Diego and then I got it on the day of printing, although the news could still be a little old. No problem. The WSJ has grown quite a bit. It used to be strictly M-F business news and had no photos. Now, it's a full-spectrum newspaper and even has colored photos. It's still strongly oriented toward business, I should add. The WSJ used to be one section only and now it is three or four sections and has a weekend issue on Saturday.

I like the Journal. The news is accurate and reliable. It's not prone to fads. People say it's conservative, but I find it to be non-biased in it's news. It tends to lean Republican in it's editorial content but the bias there is acceptable to me. It's an expensive newspaper, but it's worth it.

Gary Peterson

Want The Wall Street Journal (weekend edition) Discount?

My husband is a news junkie. This weekend edition is the best because we usually don't have any time to read the newspaper during the week. This is his saturday morning ritual. Excellent price.

Save 50% Off

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