Thursday, April 24, 2014

Garden & Gun

Garden & GunI first saw G&G at my eye doctor's office. He's originally from Louisiana. When I saw the name I knew my husband would like it. We both grew up in New England and have never lived in the south or spent any time there but we both really enjoy this magazine. Beautiful photographs and excellent writing on a wide variety of subjects: food, music, art, books, dogs, nature conservation, architecture and design and of course gardens and guns. My husband grew up hunting and fishing but since we moved to Santa Fe he has had little opportunity. The articles in this magazine let him 'hunt' vicariously at the perfect quail shoot, dream about owning a $100k shotgun, or plan a dream vacation of eating crab at all the best places. This magazine shows the best country and cosmopolitan sides of the New South and makes us yearn for the gracious life style it depicts.

I just received my first issue of Garden and Gun, and while at first, I thought the name was a joke...the content is no laughing matter. It is a lovely magazine with several articles about Ernest Hemingway and the preservation of his home in Cuba and his boat. How can I not love a magazine that has one whole page with a beautiful photograph of a sailboat and a quote by Jimmy Buffett?

I'm impressed and when this year's subscription runs out, I will renew. Again and again.

It just goes to prove, don't judge a magazine by it's title.

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This is a top of the line literary magazine with attractions for both men and women. The writing is top notch professional. There are articles on shotguns, knives, gardening, homes and cooking, all slanted toward those who live or have lived in the southern United States. You WILL not understand nor like this magazine if you are north of Virginia or west of Texas. You will NOT like this magazine if you are on a deer stand the first day of deer season and love it. You will NOT like this magazine if you are an anti-gun liberal, although it is a non-political publication. You WILL like this magazine if you like good literature and want information about good places to visit and eat. There are errors in writing however that lead me to believe that the proof readers and/or editors live in New York City. (Clinton, Mississippi, home of Barry Hannah, is not north of Jackson, but west. An apparent mix-up with Canton, Mississippi, which is north). Part of the fun is looking for the errors, which are not numerous, but do exist. This magazine takes the place of the now yankee-ized Southern Living, and improves on it greatly.

Read Best Reviews of Garden & Gun Here

This is a great magazine if you're interested in Southern culture. All of the articles are well written and cover a broad array of topics from hunting to cuisine to travel. Physically, the magazine is impressive as well. High quality paper, large pages and impressive photography are all positive characteristics of the magazine.

The only reason I didn't rate it 5 stars is because it only includes 6 issues in a 12 month period.

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I look forward to receiving this magazine so much, and I read it cover to cover every time. The hunting pieces I'm not so into, but they are a part of the culture in the South. This is a classy, beautiful magazine that hits off-the-beaten-path places and people. It's really a delight.

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