Friday, May 9, 2014


FoxtalkThis is a terrific information source for anyone serious about Visual Foxpro development. I reckon I know VFP pretty well, but I still learn something new from every issue of this excellent journal.

Don't be put off by its diminutive size. Although most issues run to only 20 24 pages, they are packed full of useful information. They are almost completely free of advertising, marketing fluff and editorial waffle. Each month you get four to six solid articles, focusing on essential programming issues. Subscribers can also obtain free source code downloads.

Recent features which I have found particularly valuable include:

A fascinating series by Predrag Bosnic on unusual user interface devices (combo trees, multi-line tooltips and the like).

Some excellent articles by Doug Hennig, dealing with data classes and the CursorAdapter class.

Useful insights into integrating VFP with Microsoft Outlook.

And my favorite: the Kit Box column, full of easily-digestible tips and techniques.

Even if only one article per issue was useful to you, a FoxTalk subscription would pay for itself many times over.

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