Monday, May 26, 2014

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year Subscription

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year SubscriptionIf you are already a subscriber to USA Today and just want to renew, you should probably wait until your existing subscription is about to expire before ordering through amazon. USA Today doesn't seem to be able to make the link between the existing subscription and one ordered through a 3rd-party, resulting in a less-than-full year extension. I like the paper tho it is the only way I get national sports news; my local paper only covers the local teams.

My nephew was sentenced to 24 years in the "Ham" for a stupid stunt when he was 17 (attempted robbery with two 16 year old boys). The "Ham" is an old state prison near Lovelady, Texas. Clyde, from Bonnie and Clyde, served time there. There are no TVs, little access to outside information, no air conditioning or heating, and certainly no cell phones.

Families are not allowed to send gifts. The only option families have is to pay a publisher to send books and magazines. Even these are reviewed by the prison officials for "acceptable" content. You can't send holiday gifts, nothing but letters, books and magazines. I received an official letter from a prison official saying "you can't send extra stamps in your letters.. it's a 'violation'".

Well my nephew loves USA Today! It's the best source of news and cultural information that's printed daily, and it's a great holiday gift. His release date is not for another 4 years, but since rehabilitation is mostly "virtual" in Texas, USA Today is helping to prepare him for the shock he'll have when he steps outside that prison after 24 years. Without USA Today he wouldn't know much about cell phones, personal computers, gps devices, etc. Now when we visit him, we can talk politics, technology and national events with him. Without USA Today our conversations revolve around prison food with is pretty bad.

Buy USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year Subscription Now

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