"What then should a Catholic do ... if some new contagion
were to try to poison no longer a small part of the Church, but all of
the Church at the same time, then he will take the greatest care to
attach himself to antiquity which, obviously, can no longer be seduced
by any lying novelty." (Commonitorium)John Venarri is a freemason who has infiltrated the tradionalist movement. For the sole purpose to divide us. Think of this, a bishop said, ;We must abrogat Vatican 11. And then immediatly abrogate the council of Trent. Our lord said to Peter ;He who hears you, hears me, he who rejects you rejects me;.This magazine, while presumably well-intentioned, is a veritable font of misinformation to Catholics, especially traditional Catholics who are disturbed by the events in the Church since Vatican II. Unfortuantely, CFN sets Vatican II up as a "straw man"; the writers caricature the Council in the terms that many liberals would indeed have us believe, and then knock it down by saying it was not a valid Council. While it is quite unfortunate that many liberal Catholics have (deliberately or not) twisted the meanings of Vatican II, the Council IS valid. To believe otherwise is heresy. Many ads in this magazine are from schismatic groups such as SSPX, or sedevacantist groups like MICM. (It is not logical to say that the current Pope has no authority, and then to refer to Saint ("Padre") Pio as such when it is the current Pope who canonized him. This is done in the Sep. 2003 issue.) Please avoid this magazine, and seek out good Catholic media like EWTN (which is free).
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