Saturday, January 3, 2015

Backyard Bird Newsletter

Backyard Bird NewsletterBackyard Bird Newsletter (BBN) is the companion piece to the excellent Bird Watchers Digest (BWD) that I have subscribed too for years. It is offered every other month that BWD isn't published. I picked up a subscription to it my first year with BWD for I thought it would be nice to receive something every month. Unfortunately unlike BWD which is an excellent publication for birders of all interests and levels, (see my review of it at the link) I cannot recommend the companion newsletter. Its a very thin, (about 8 to 10 pages) pamphlet style publication that carries as many ads in it as helpful and interesting articles. I never spent more than 10 minutes thumbing through it before tossing it out each month. I let my subscription to it lapse after the first year. It is definitely not worth $16 for six issues to be sure. Subscribe to BWD and sign up for their free email newsletter that is loaded with helpful hints and article highlights. And forget this option. Bird Watchers Digest

I just received my first edition yesterday. I think it did have some good infromation. I thought I was getting a magazine not a news letter other wise it was OK.

Buy Backyard Bird Newsletter Now

I've subscribed to this newsletter for a few years but this newsletter is just that even has newsletter in the title so don't think it's a magazine. It's full of interesting information about bird species, gardening for birds, and more. It's not a glossy magazine to leaf through no color photos, etc... I love learning new information so I like this newsletter, although I can see how some might feel it's too deep or scientific. I didn't think it had much of any adds, except for a couple for the companion magazine.

Read Best Reviews of Backyard Bird Newsletter Here

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