Thursday, January 1, 2015

Moyen Age - Heimdal

Moyen Age - HeimdalQuite disappointing and poor pictures... always the same man writing every article...I havee been reading it for a while and had the feeling of loosing my money.

History is universal, but the English language isn't.

The fact that this magazine is written in French should not be a deterrent, it should be an incentive to learn another language, especially for those who have a thirst for knowledge and delight in things medieval. Many sources regarding European history are not written in English. Frustrating at times, I agree. However, I believe the effort of translation is it's own reward, but that's me. *wink*

Even if you cannot read French, Moyen Age has high visual value. This magazine is lavishly illustrated and contains beautiful color photos. It cites historical sources, and sometimes exposes readers to images and concepts that they have never seen before due to their obscurity.

I highly recommend it to anyone with an interest in the Middle Ages.

Buy Moyen Age - Heimdal Now

It's in French. I know.. it's kinda obvious with a name like "Moyen Age"... but it didn't occur to me when I ordered it. I thought it was just being cutsey with the title.

Anyway. If you're willing to puzzle through the French, there are some fantastic articles about the middle ages with gorgeous, glossy complementary images.

Read Best Reviews of Moyen Age - Heimdal Here

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