FLYPAST is a blend of aviation history and warbird happenings presented in a quaintly overstuffed English manner. The March 2010 issue, for example, is jam-packed with an appealing mix of historical articles, aviation "doings," museum news, book reviews and so on. Major articles include a description of an ATA pilot's attempt to ferry an accident-prone B-24 Liberator to its new base, missions flown by a Coastal Command Lib pilot, the RAF career of a noted Pathfinder pilot, Lone Star Flight Museum's newly-refurbished "Thoughts of Midnite" P-38, a survey of major American aviation museums, a report on Long Island's Cradle of Aviation Musuem, early RAF combats with the Italian Air Force in Africa circa 1940, the concluding part of a biography of WWII RAF ace Caesar Hull and so on. The articles are well-illustrated with b&w and color photographs, profiles, etc.
Also included in the issue are short updates on warbird restorations, aircraft movements, civil registration updates, an on-going Marking and Camouflage series, upcoming aviation meets/airshows, letters to the editor, etc.
Lately FLYPAST has been including special supplements on subjects like the P-51, 2010 Airshows, etc. at no additional cost. Since Ellis & Co. have held the price at $9.99, the reader is getting quite a bargain. (But, by all means, go the subscription route).
If you're an aviation history buff or a warbird enthusiast, FLYPAST is required reading. Highly recommended.
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