Sunday, January 11, 2015

Barrs Post Card News

Barrs Post Card NewsStarting a new subscription for Barrs Post Card News was so easy. Absolutely not a bit of trouble. I recommend this as the only way to subscribe to any magazine!

Not a bad magazine for the price. Thought it would contain a bit more information but there's not that many books/magazines out there for postcards that I've found so it'll do. It is giving me sources for information so that's a big help as I'm just getting back into postcard collecting and selling after about 10 years away. Would have liked to have seen something with a bit more pricing information.

Buy Barrs Post Card News Now

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Christian Research Journal

Christian Research JournalHave subscribed to CRI journal previously for many years and when I lived overseas, but had to give it up when the organization became too difficult to deal with to get the subscription changed back to the US. But, wanted to give it another try.

Generally I like the content of the articles, some are quite inapplicable to me. Unfortunately, it looks to me like the articles have gotten smaller over the years, but same level of quality and attention to detail seems to be there.

My main objection is that when I subscribed to the magazine I didn't realize I was signing up for fundraising letters. I support the organization, but hate to see them waste money on fundraising mail that's not going to get responded to. Why they don't just put it in their magazine and let the reader decide to donate above and beyond as they see fit I don't know.

I just ordered a 2-year subscription, and I can't wait to get my first copy. I have been very interested in the ideas of this Journal for years, but I am only now subscribing. It is expensive, but the original research and contents of the Journal promise to make up the difference. It's basically a scholarly journal but presented in a nice magazine format and written to the college educated reader without assuming they have their PhD in Philosophy or Theology. I look forward to getting my first copy.

Buy Christian Research Journal Now

It's a GREAT magazine but the price is outrageous now! I think they know they have a good product and have gotten a little too proud of it.

Read Best Reviews of Christian Research Journal Here

I ordered this for my son-in-law for Christmas. When I ordered it I got a reply that it would be 14-16 wks. before he would receive. But to my surprise when I gave him the card telling him of his gift, he had already received the first copy. He is very pleased with the magazine.

Want Christian Research Journal Discount?

Karavan Istorij

Karavan IstorijKaravan Istorij and Karavan Istorii Kollektsiia are the best magazines ever published in Russia. The stories are great and the images by Ekaterina Rojdestvenskaya are wonderful.

Review of Metaphysics

Review of Metaphysics"The first issue should arrive in 12-16 weeks." Sure, why not? The ROM is a quarterly, after all.

But after six monthsand after your "Where's my subscription?" e-mails get ignoredyou look at this part that you neglected to pay enough attention to before: "Cancellation: This magazine subscription cannot be canceled or refunded."

And then you realize Amazon has stolen your money, and is quite satisfied with that state of affairs.

Not only that, but when you click on the "Read more" button, you get a pop-up announcing that "Some publishers of professional or trade magazine subscriptions do not allow cancellations." Therefore, avers Amazon, adding insult to injury, 'tis not we but the Review who have robbed thee.

The Review of Metaphysics has a toll-free number through which you can order directly. Use it. Avoid being robbed by Amazon.

As a member of the staff of the Review of Metaphysics, I can vouch for the quality of our product. If you have a scholarly interest in metaphysical questions and you do not confine your interest to any one historical period or school of thought, then the Review is exactly right for you. You can order directly from our website and avoid the wait that Amazon causes. We offer discounts to senior and students and we will ship to non-US customers if they pay an additional $12 for shipping.

But of course, it's all the same to us if you go through Amazon, they will, after all, handle the billing for you.

The reason I give my own journal four stars is because of its narrow topic area. I must admit, that for the most part, this is not a layman's journal, but one designed for those that know the terminology of Aristotle, Aquinas, Hegel, Heidegger, etc and who already know the lay of the metaphysical landscape.

Buy Review of Metaphysics Now

I totally disagree with the posting made by this gentleman.

All the years I am ordering through Amazon, I have never experience anything wrong as regards my orders and payments. I always got what I paid for !

Amazon is a great Store and I recommend it to all.

George Agathokleous

Athens, Greece

Read Best Reviews of Review of Metaphysics Here

Friday, January 9, 2015

Oregon Coast Magazine

Oregon Coast MagazineIf you live in or near Oregon, live at the coast, visit the coast, are planning a trip or just like to dream and scheme, Oregon Coast is a great magazine to subscribe to. It is informative and colorful. While not as glizty as the more generic coastal magazines like Coastal Living, it is targeted and useful.

I can't afford to go to the Oregon Coast every year so this magazine is a dream. The pictures and articles are wonderful and I feel like I'm there. I've been reading this for over 10 years and it never fails to charm me with its recipes, advice, advertisments and reccommendations.

Buy Oregon Coast Magazine Now

Love Oregon Coast magazine as I can only get up to the Oregon coast a few times a year and this magazine brings the coast to me. Great photos and articles.

Read Best Reviews of Oregon Coast Magazine Here

Hockey News

Hockey Newsi saw that this was unrated & didn't want any fans to miss out. i've been getting the hockey news for several years now. Being in california it can be hard to get info on the goings ons in the hockey world. things have gotten easier with the nhl network, but it's still by no means mainstream. the hockey news is awsome! it comes out of canada but they say new york, covers mostly the nhl but also cover most minor, &pro hockey leagues (ahl, echl, omjhl etc.) i can't say enough about this mag but can't think of anything to say. as a hockey fan to other hockey fans, "if you love hockey & want more info on the hockey world or more info on both player in the nhl & on there way there than this is what you're looking for." there aren't many hockey mags out there so don't waste your time or money on anything but the best & in this case that's the hockey news.

I ordered this subscription for my son who is a hockey lover, and he reads it cover to cover. He is very satisfied with the magazine.

Buy Hockey News Now

Fancy Fowl

Fancy FowlToo bad we don't do something like this in the US. Don't get me wrong I love Poultry Press for a US publication it is more than worth the money and it comes with coupons that if you use more than pays for itself. But Fancy Fowl is written like some of our US Horse Magazines; The April Issue for 2006 talked about how to judge White Wynadotes and Light Sussex. And with Poultry there is nothing like having color pictures but your going to pay for it. And they talk about ALL poultry Turkeys, Ducks, Swans, of course chickens, but the off breeds like Black Grouse. It is for the fancy and not as commercial as the Australian Mag.but the price is worth it.

I am subscribing to get ahead of the problem of H5N1. Brittan is dealing with this as they did with Mad Cow, and folkes if you own chickens the hoops of politics are a real eye opener. So I'm jumping the shark so to speak and learning ahead.