Monday, March 31, 2014

Just Crossstitch

Just CrossstitchThis magazine is stuck in the 1980's the style of most of the projects looks like stuff my grandmother would like (pictures of fruit and flowers). They rarely (although it DOES happen occasionaly ie: Blackbird Designs was in there last year, with a great project) include the newer artists or styles. The exception is the yearly JCS Ornaments special edition that is a must have, but I don't know if it is part of the yearly subscription. Most of the projects are still on aida, and most of them, again, are very outdated in style. I'd like to see more historical projects, more samplers, and more updated projects on linen before I will buy this magazine again.

I subscribe to almost every cross stitch mag available this one is one of the better ones, It has a variety of subject matter and black and white charts. Also has some nice comments. However, there is no what people have stitched section (Like the UK mags have) and very few articles for actual reading

Buy Just Crossstitch Now

This is the only magazine, I keep in my collection. I have used several charts to make gifts. I also trade some of my patterns with Cross-Stitchers all over the world. This is one I will renew for years to come.

Read Best Reviews of Just Crossstitch Here

My magazine arrived much quicker than expected (still waiting on another one that I ordered the same day) The projects are beautiful!! The cover of a bird and flowers is great, but inside is a pillow with daffodils on blue aida and it is stunning!! i have the DMC floss ready and I am waiting on 1-2-3 stitch ( a fantastic company!) to mail me my aida! The magazine has a variety of stylesso I am not sure what the other reviewer is looking atbut i really enjoyed my first issue and can't wait for the next!! I will be re-subscribing for sure!!

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I had not picked up this magazine in several years, and am so pleased with the current issue that I will be subscribing to it again. The magazine is targeted to moderately experienced stitchers, and uses a variety of stitches, threads, fabrics and techniques to bring life to what can be a bit of a rigidly obsessional hobby. They do not specialize in easy country patterns as seems to be popular in many of the other magazines, and rather than focus on a trendy new thread, they bring creativity and life to the threads you probably already have. I will be using pieces of one of their samplers to decorate altar linens. I wish their charts were in more than one color and wish it were available for the Kindle, but wouldn't change anything otherwise.

Save 23% Off


VegnewsI first picked up this magazine as I was becoming a vegetarian and it gave insightful advice on not only foods, but politics, places and groups. An excellent resource and fun read at the same time. usually has the best subscription prices, but this time it would actually be cheaper to check out their website @ for a $20/year subscription.

This is a fantastic vegan magazine with lots of articles on the vegan lifestyle, animal protection, vegan book reviews, movie reviews and recipes. It's also a good source for lots of vegan products. I often read a review of a new food product and end up at Whole Foods buying it. This is a substantial magazine, about 100 pages or more lately. It's been around since the year 2000. I read it cover-to-cover as soon as it arrives and have ordered back issues from their website. It's one of those magazines I save and can't bear to throw or give away.

Buy Vegnews Now

VegNews has way more vegan recipes than any other veggie magazine (especially Vegetarian Times.) It's creative and a fun read. If you're vegan or just seeking healthy recipes and ideas this is the magazine for you.

Read Best Reviews of Vegnews Here

I have been receiving this publication for a year now and will not be renewing.

If you interested in Highly processed vegan foods, then this is the magazine for you.

It's a what's new and on the market now, type magazine.... There is little, to no information on

whole foods and healthy living, and very little in the way of recipes, except those offered by ads, promoting their processed products. Very dissapointed.

Want Vegnews Discount?

A year subscription is only $20 if you go directly through the web site.

Scientific American Mind (1-year auto-renewal)

Scientific American MindThis is the best magazine I've read lately. It is still new, and I've only received 4 issues, but read each cover to cover, finding each article fascinating, and very accessible (unlike the parent publication, which is occasionally over my head.) It may be just because I like the subject matter but it seems to me these are subjects which would interest most people. Some recent articles (as of Oct. 2005) included why we lie, the meaning of dreams, the nature of consciousness, what causes creativitity, what is deja vu. It is one subscription which is well worth the money. The only drawback I've found is that it is quarterly sometimes it seems like a long wait between issues.

This is my favorite magazine about the mind, particularly with respect to consciousness. It's like a meeting of the minds (no pun intended) between spiritual phenomena and scientific discovery. The articles are seriously interesting and always have a new twist. I do wish it was printed more frequently however it is worth the wait for each issue.

Buy Scientific American Mind (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I've been subscribing to SciAm Mind for about a year now and have been reading it at the bookstore for a couple of years. I'm a layperson, no medical training or professional background in dealing with these topics, I just have a personal interest.

While I enjoy a good bit of the magazine, I typically find myself frustrated at how it seems as though they only have a few people submitting articles. Unfortunately I don't have a copy on hand, but there's one guy (?) with a name that's about a mile long, and by the time I've finished the magazine, I'm sick of seeing his name and reading his often less-than-thrilling diatribes.

I'll likely continue subscribing to SciAm Mind because I do feel like I get something out of it, but Psychology Today is definitely my preferred of the two.

Read Best Reviews of Scientific American Mind (1-year auto-renewal) Here

Each issue of this magazine covers very interesting topics in psychology and neuroscience, though it is by no means "Science". I expected the depth of the articles to be along the lines of Scientific American, its parent publication, and I am occasionally disappointed by the superficiality of some of the content.

Nonetheless, I find this magazine to address fascinating questions concerning the mind and to be very accessible if you do not have a background in the sciences. With that said though, if you are a neuroscientist, you may find "Nature Neuroscience" to be more satisfying.

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This is less about the "mind" and more about the brain, as far as I'm concerned. There is lots of biological science (some of it questionable) and a lot less psychology. It seems very focused on finding biological causes for emotional or psychological states which I feel is narrow and only half the story.

Save 44% Off

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Go Blue Wolverine

Go Blue WolverineThis is by far the best Michigan magazine I've read. Very informative, full of high quality photos, and is ideal for when you don't have a game to watch! It keeps you updated on recruits and stats and is just full of great information that a Michigan fan craves! This Magazine makes it helpful to follow all of Michigan's sports so if you're like me and only watch their Football games, or Basketball, you can still keep up with scores and highlights of all the other sporting events you miss.

Man at Arms

Man at ArmsThis is a highly specialized magazine for the fraternity of people who collect antique arms. So it would be of no interest to most people. Still as an investment, antique arms are up there with gold and if you invest in stocks and bonds, you must be crazy. Amazon is a convenient and affordable way to buy such off-the-beaten-track magazines.


NailproI love nailpro magazine, but I subscribed looking for nail help and nail art designs, which i get, but along with a ridiculous amount of advertisements, which are important too. The advertisements are all always for the newest nail stuff though

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Scooby-Doo! Magazine

Scooby-Doo! MagazineMy grandson has had this subscription for 2 years and he loves it.

The ordering was easy and I am not computer literate. It usually takes forever to place any ordersut this was easier than most.

Save 3% Off

O, The Oprah Magazine (1-year auto-renewal)

O, The Oprah MagazineI've purchased a lot of products on Amazon and have subscribed to Oprah's magazine for many years. I have read a lot of negative comments about Oprah's auto-renewal process over the years, so I have always intentionally purchased the one-time, oneor two-year subscription terms on Amazon, making certain not to select the auto-renewal options. And I have purchased this magazine as a gift for others multiple times too. I've never had a problem with the magazine, the subscriptions, the invoicing, or the delivery...until now.

In December, 2010, I purchased another 2-year term subscription to 'O, The Oprah Magazine' for my wife, same as I'd done in prior years. I paid for it with my American Express. The rate was $24.00 for two years. With (WA state) sales tax, it came up to $25.85 and showed up on my January statement, which was paid in full. The subscription is paid up through January, 2013.

After a few months, I started receiving renewal notices for a one-year ($18.00 per year) subscription, directly from the Oprah publisher. This is something that the Oprah magazine or their publisher has done frequently over the years, so I just ignored the renewal notices, as I've always done (seems kind of a waste of resources to solicit people who aren't scheduled to renew for another 20 months...but, if that's the way they want to run their business, whatever). Obviously, I wasn't interested in renewing again, so I recycled the solicitations. By the way, the renewal solicitation did show the 2013 expiration date right on the document, so I knew it wasn't for a prior iteration of the subscription.

Yesterday I received a collection notice from Sunrise Credit Services, Inc. for an account balance of $18.00. Yes, you read that right. They have forwarded my account to a collection agency for the non-payment of a subscription solicitation! FOR AN UNPAID SOLICITATION, not for an actual subscription or for something that I actually ordered! Amazing, but true. Either the Oprah magazine and Hearst (the publisher) have exceptionally poor records / databases, or they're running some kind of little scam that they hope enough people will fall for that it will more than pay for the cost of all those renewal solicitations they send out.

Whatever the case may be, I have to say, Oprah and Hearst, that I'm extremely disappointed in your business practices. Now I'll be wasting more time responding back to Sunrise Credit Services with all the details and trying to get them off my back. Irritated doesn't even begin to cover what I feel about your business and the fact that you've unnecessarily put this collection company on my credit history. All for a measly little $18.00 and because of your inability to keep proper records...or because of a poor attempt at a subscription scam. And if it goes beyond that, I'll be forwarding this to the office of the Washington State Attorney General.

Come on, Oprah and Hearst, why don't you spend a tiny portion of your multi-billion dollar profits on updating your records and I.T. systems, so people don't have to write horrible reviews like this?

By the way, this is the first review of any kind that I've written on any site, but I felt compelled to do so, so that others may avoid going through the same nonsense or, at least, be aware of what's potentially going on when they start seeing those renewal notices start showing up in their mail. It's a good magazine and quite often a good price through Amazon; just horrifically inept business practices on the part of the publisher.

What an absolutely unnecessary waste of my time and other peoples' time reading things like this when you could just as easily clean up and refine your subscription systems and databases.

I purchased a one year subscription online last year for both myself and my mom for the Oprah magazine. I paid online for both at the time of purchase and have an email to prove it. Now that the subscription is expiring, my mom and I both have gotten at least 3 threatening letters each. Each is entitled "INVOICING BUREAU" in red. The letter states " when you entered into an agreement to be billed later, we believed you would send your renewal payment upon receipt of you invoice. Now that your subscription is coming to an end, we still have not received your payment. You can resolve this matter quickly by returning the subscription invoice with your payment in the enclosed envelope." This letter does not include a phone number and uses a lot of red to emphasize how urgent it is to pay. It is purposefully misleading, I never led on that I wanted to renew. I went to the website and there is no way to contact them, by email, etc. after a lot of searching, I did find the cancel my subscription button.

Buy O, The Oprah Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Last night, I ordered O as a gift for my mother. When I went to check out, I saw there was a special price of $5.

This morning, I see I was charged FOUR time at the $5 rate. Called customer service, and the rep said there is nothing they can do... can't cancel, and he couldn't even explain to me how it happened. So now, I don't know if I'm getting four copies of the magazine, or if I paid more than full price for the mag.

The customer service rep said if I get four copies, I can bundle them up and send them back to Amazon for a refund... but this is a gift. Not really the way I wanted my mom's birthday to go.

I'm not sure if this is an Amazon glitch or something from the publisher, but I'm not happy about my experience with O magazine so far.

Read Best Reviews of O, The Oprah Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Here

The magazine like Oprah's show covers topics about the real world that infuences our daily lives. It is also geared to middle aged women like myself. You won't find Madison Avenue's obsession with youth, beauty, & nearly nude models spread all over the pages. There are plenty of fascinating articles throughout. Such as: "Is Fear Limiting Your Life?" "Yes I Can Diet," "Sex In The Middle Ages," "Cancer-Spot, It Treat It, Beat It," etc. I also like how the magazine is organized by departments. "Special, Features, O-zone, Advice,etc. Style, Health, Books, Connections, & In Every Issue." The latter section has a Calendar with quotes on the days, O to go, Love That!, Breathing Space, Shop Guide, Food, Beauty, Something To Think About, & what I know for sure by Oprah. You can also get financial tips from Suze Orman & advice from Dr. Phil like answering a question from a working mom. The only negatives are those that truly can't be helped. Advertisiments are heavy throughout even the smallest magazines, which keeps them in business. It still deserves five solid stars.

Want O, The Oprah Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

Hearst Publications sent my mom nasty bills and letters saying she agreed to a renewal which she did not, and which she specifically wrote to them to say she did not want (something she should not even have to do).

I would NEVER buy this magazine now that I am aware of their unethical practices.

I fear for people without the skills to be able to assert their rights and suspect many go along with the renewal they never wanted and capitulate in the face of the nasty reminder / billing letters.

Sad. My mom wonders how someone like Oprah can even be associated with such practices.

You can contact Oprah subscriptions at 800-846-4020 apparently but they don't even put the phone number on the invoices and it took me much searching to find it online, no thanks to them. It's not even shown on the website they direct you to for payment.

Save 67% Off

Girls' Life Magazine (1-year auto-renewal)

Girls' Life MagazineI have been getting this magazine for 3 years and with every issue it has gotten better. It is the best magizine for girls 8-20. There are embarrasing moments, help pages, books, website, and movie reviews, upcomeing books and movies. My favorite section is the beauty section. There is also a letter from Karen(an employee) in every issue. Also there are stories from girls, topics about how girls feel about things like cursing. Also another one of my favorite parts of this magizine is how they have at least 5 contests in an issue. There are writing contests and raffles. They are good prizes also like a camera, leather jaket, a grease program signed by the cast and soooooooooooo much more. I definatly recomend this to any girl! it is the BEST!!!!!!!!

I really enjoy this magazine I have been subscribing to it for 2 years now. It has great advice on boys, clothing, beauty, puberty, and much more. I know almost any girl my age would love it.I thoroughly disagree with the reader who said this magazine was inapropriate it is not AT ALL! The clothes are MUCH less skimpy than in magazines like Teen People and Cosmo Girl. My mom looks at every single magazine that I get to see if it is appropriate or not, and GL is one of only 2 magazines that she has approved. This magazine approves of high self-esteem and being who you are and only who you are and not anyone else. I love it and would recomend it to any girl my age (13)!

Buy Girls' Life Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I got this magazine for my daughter when she was ten because it said for girls 10 to 15 yrs old. I found out that the articles are for older girls dealing with issues like dating and boyfriends. Also it goes into alot of detail on wearing makeup and older fashion. It is sad when there is not a magazine out there for girls who are to old for American Girl but not old enough for the next level.

Read Best Reviews of Girls' Life Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Here

This is a fun magazine for tweens and young teenage girls. I'm in my twenties and I was flipping through this magazine and I must say that its a nice alternative to magazines like Seventeen and Ym. I'm so glad that there's a positive magazine for teen girls.

The sections are:

short stuff-which is news and interesting facts

dear carol-advice columnist

friends-how to deal with your friends

fashion blast-of course these are clothes that they advertise

some are cute while others are too inappropriate from my view.

beauty-they advertise certain beauty products

body Q & A-they answer questions about girls bodies

guys-girls ask advice from guys, to get the guy's perspective on a certain issue.

life-another section that deals with life issues like parents that are fighting or dealing with friends.

they have sections devoted to movies, music, interviews with celebrities like Mandy Moore, they recommend books that teen girls might like, some articles deal with how to act with guys.

There are many other articles on interviewing teen girls that have their own businesses, the issue that I got...June/July 2003, tells how to make money, a section dedicated to getting healthy,and 29 awesome things to do this summer.

They also have a pen pal section for those girls that want to have pen pals, and of course no teen magazine would be complete without a fashion spread.

I thought that it was an overall positive magazine for teen girls and I highly recommend it. I don't think that its too girly girly and its articles have more depth than magazines like YM. They focus on other things besides beauty and entertainment.

Want Girls' Life Magazine (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I LOVE the girls life magazine. It has intresting articles and answers a lot of questions that I have about my life. I would reccomend it to any tween or preteen/ It's fun, intresting and atracttive. Most of the articles are applicable to me and aren't about a girl with anorexia or who had a baby but with articles that EVERY girl can relate to!!!=)

Save 29% Off

Friday, March 28, 2014

Super Street (1-year auto-renewal)

Super Street(I also wrote this to counter the ONE star rating it has, that is Definitely NOT DESERVED, the speed at which it gets to you is based apon the supplier, not the magazine. Plus reviews on products are meant for the products not the shipping speed. This magazine is a 4.5-5 star magazine all the way.)

This Magazine is one of the best! I have been reading this magazine since 2004 along with Modified Magazine, to be honest since 2004 the thickness of almost all car magazine isn't like it was in 2004, but that is directly effected by the current economy.

Content: Like any magazine you will have your Featured rides, normally there is about 3 or 4 on my current issue they have a 'Quickie' article which is a mini feature, (basically not good enough for a cover but still awesome.) The Cover article, an interview with some beginning JDM legends in America, a new car test drive review, and two more non cover car featrues that span about 4 pages.

Then you have Tech articles, some of these break things down to consumers so they can understand what/how to purchase and generally a project for the magazine.

Also they cover events, unfortunately there aren't a whole lot in the winter but when it begins to warm up there are more.

Throughout the magazine there is also different things like Editor letters, mail they receive about the magazine, different forms of car news (new cars, concepts, etc.), then tech Q&A, new products, and readers rides.

Not all that I listed is in there every issue but they are in a vast majority of the magazine's content through out the years.

First of all to the lady who rated this magazine at 1 star who only gave Amazon one month before writing a terrible review, it says clearly on the item "Usually ships in 6 to 10 weeks".

This is a great Street/Race/Enthusiast magazine.. Ive been into cars for only about 6 months now, but ive learned alot from these magazines, from looks to engines to intake and handling, this is one of the best magazines ive ever picked up, you wont want to lay it down untill your done reading it all.

Buy Super Street (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I've gotten alot of car magazines but this one is the best. If you're into smaller cars (mostly imports) the imfo and subscriber car section is the best.

Read Best Reviews of Super Street (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I renewed my subcription and rather than start sending the new subscription after the current one ran out, they sent two magazines for a while. Also, they stopped sending the magazine for a while, said they would make up for it but they didn't.

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The only thing I was unhappy about with regard to this order is that I was not able to cancel it I made this particular order in error.

Save 79% Off

South Carolina Game & Fish

South Carolina Game & FishA very basic approach to a specific area. I have subscribed to CT, PA,& SC Game & Fish and they are all the same. A quick overview of your area with certain spots/topics picked for a little more indepth writing, but not much content overall.

Save 58% Off

Improper Magazine

Improper MagazineJust wanted to say that I love the magazine. I have been reading it for years and am thrilled to see the progress that it is making. And what a treat that subscriptions are now available on line...I will be sending the link to all of my out of town friends, it's worth every penny!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Concrete Wave

Concrete WaveMy husband absolutely loves this magazine. He is an true old school skateboarder and was really unable to connect with the other skateboard magazines that are moving to a new school view point. He spends hours reading the articles and looking at the pictures. Unfortunately, it makes him upset that we live in flat Florida and he craves hills.

I used to subscribe to Transworld some years ago, and it covered only street skating. I started longboarding after some injuries and was sent a copy of this magazine for free by one of the board companies. I am in complete agreement with the description about how every aspect of skateboarding is covered in this magazine. It has far better photos and the magazine itself is printed on a heavier paper stock than most of the magazines on the shelves. If I had the money for it right now, I would subscribe.

Buy Concrete Wave Now

You know how it is when you subscribe to a magazine and you have to click past a notice that says "You will begin receiving your periodical in six to eight weeks."? Not Concrete Wave. I subscribed last week and lo and behold this miserable rainy Monday afternoon I return home to find the latest issue (the issue that made me want to subscribe) waiting for me when I got home -hand addressed, no less. They even included a 2011 calendar with longboarding girls on the cover (swoon!). Thanks, CW!

If your wheels are 60mm or bigger, you need this magazine.

Read Best Reviews of Concrete Wave Here

Scholastic Parent & Child

Scholastic Parent & ChildThe magazine has ads on almost every page. Short articles are sandwiched between ads! The articles usually end up being ads themselves, suggesting specific products to buy. The stories on celebrities and their children don't help me much either. I think they know their magazine has problems since they do not allow cancellation or refunds. I plan to use the issues for crafts that call for cutting up magazines.

This has a variety of helpful things, and I as a grandmother, can find new bks or new advice on old or new challenges. Gave a subscription to my son, too.

Buy Scholastic Parent & Child Now

Diabetic Cooking (1-year auto-renewal)

Diabetic CookingThe recipes in these cookbooks are not only great for helping to control your blood sugars, they're also extremely "points friendly" if you're following the Weight Watchers Flex Plan. Most recipes range from 3-5 points per serving, with quite a few on the low end at 2 and very few reaching the high of 7.

Good little magazine with great recipes. Great guide for sodium and fat intake as well.

Buy Diabetic Cooking (1-year auto-renewal) Now

This is a fantastic magazine for those of us who have the need to prepare diabetic meals, either for ourselves or loved ones. The meals and desserts in this magazine are fantastic, better than any other diabetic cooking magazine I have read thus far! The only drawback is how long it takes for them to finally start the subscription...over 12 weeks! In my opinion that is rediculous.

Read Best Reviews of Diabetic Cooking (1-year auto-renewal) Here

Let me just say that this magazine is great. The recipes are very good usually and have provided some fantastic ideas to support a healthy and tasty dietary plan.

My only issue is with the subscription process, which I won't ding the magazine content for.

If you buy this magazine, please be very careful to watch out for the renewal notices you may get suggesting that your subscription is ending on a certain date and that you should renew. I got a renewal notice saying my subscription would be ending after receiving only 5 months of magazines! I had placed the order in November 2009, received my first issue in April 2010 (about 5 full months after placing the order, they say 3-4, and having to pester Amazon that I hadn't recieved the magazine), then received a note in September 2010 saying my subscription ended in November 2010.

When I emailed amazon, they confirmed that my subscription really did end with the March/April 2011 issue.

Just a note to the wise not to get caught up in what was either a legitimate mistake or perhaps a marketing ploy!

Either way I do recommend the magazine itself!

Want Diabetic Cooking (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

My husband is diabetic. I've tried other cooking books and diabetic teaching aids,but this was much easier to follow. Great information,and good tasting receipes!

Save 38% Off

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dressage Today (1-year auto-renewal)

Dressage TodaySimple if you ride Dressage or know some one who does they should get this magazine.

It keeps you up to date with what's going on I'n the sport and has great articles from different experts every month.

Great Gift

Dressage,It meets my needs of information about dressage, has wonderful articles. New subjects that keep me informed for the future.

Buy Dressage Today (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I am thrilled each month when I receive all my horse magazines and this is a highlight.

Very good information, photos, ads and service.

Read Best Reviews of Dressage Today (1-year auto-renewal) Here

The only magazine I actually subscribe to! Dressage Today always has fantastic articles from the top trainers around the US and frequently features up and coming riders to keep your eye on. I've never recycled an issue because I've always wanted to just try that exercise, or re-read that advice later when I really needed it. My only complaint is that there is no packaging when it ships, so my issues arrive damaged or ripped sometimes. For the price difference, though, I suppose it's worth it anyway.

Want Dressage Today (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?


LebenFascinating magazine focusing on the lives of Protestant Reformers and their descendants, including colonial patriots, evangelical martyrs, etc. It's conservative theological perspective will appeal to evangelical Protestants, particularly from Reformed and Presbyterian backgrounds. Family oriented and a good gift idea for college students.

Software Engineering Notes

Software Engineering NotesAnyone who takes software engineering seriously must stay ahead of the curve. That means a steady stream of new information: products, practice, research, and pointers to more information. This magazine is light on the products, but helps a lot in the other categories. There are informal surveys and other articles, less exacting than "Transactions" material, broader, and more readable. There are also reviews of conference proceedings, recent books, and lots of other events in the world of the SE profession.

Above all, there is the "Risks to the public" column. If the SE profession is a community and "Notes" the community newspaper, then this is the police blotter. It goes on, page after page, listing real and potential failures caused by computer-based systems (not just software). The blurbs range from funny to tragic, but leave an icy knot in you stomach or should. Software isn't as visible as a bridge or dam, but engineering failures in either can be equally destructive, to property or to human life. We need this kind of information to keep all of our responsibilities fresh in our minds, not just meeting the ship date.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Black and White Photography

Black and White PhotographyI have to recommend this magazine to anyone who has a love for photography. This magazine I read cover to cover and can't wait to receive the next one. It has very worthwhile articles and as they state " stunning monochrome images, exciting examples of work by the world's top photographers, technical articles about developing and printing, (this I especially enjoy, advice and examples from the experts!)and exclusive opportunites for reader participation." Truly this one is not to be missed. It's out of the United Kingdom so the quality is superb. Happy clicking.

This is deffinitely worth reading if you like B&W photography.

Because of favorible exchange rates, Americans can save money buying directly from the publisher's website rather than getting it from Amazon. As of 6/9/10, it cost $86 at the web site.

Buy Black and White Photography Now

National Geographic

National GeographicWho doesn't know National Geographic? Despite the term 'national' in the title, this is a publication that has an international reputation, and has set its sights on exploring every inch of the globe, and beyond. School children everywhere use National Geographic as a resource. It is a periodical, however, that goes far beyond the school library. Interesting, erudite, broad-ranging and fascinating (in addition to being, dare I say it, educational), National Geographic has something for everyone.

Articles involve history, culture, sociology, biology, architecture, archaeology, and physical science in addition to the trademark item, geography. Recent issues have included articles on archaeology of the Indus Valley, earthquakes in Turkey, Samoan culture, jellyfish, and dinosaurs. National Geographic has a knack for combining the timely with the timeless to make each issue interesting from a current events perspective (recent articles on the Golan Heights and touring London show this) as well as being worthy of retaining for future reference by combining history and other details.

Coupled with the articles, National Geographic has fantastic photography. In the June issue, there is a 'family photo' that was taken at the annual photographic seminar in Washington, D.C., in which more than half of the regular contributors to the magazine were present and photographed around the great seal of National Geographic. According the caption:

'The 47 men and women shown have collectively logged some 700 years taking pictures for this magazine alone. They've photographed roughly 715 articles, and at a current average of 29,000 frames shot per story, that works out to about 20.7 million images.'

Authors and photographers for National Geographic are perhaps one of the most diverse lots of people working for any periodical. From urban to rural, civilised to exotic to remote and desolate locations; from peaceful and happy events to battlefield and disaster situations; from home life to professional life to religious life and beyond, these women and men have covered almost every aspect of the world (and beyond!). Photographic and journalistic excellence is a hallmark of this magazine, and it shows in every issue.

But the maps! What about the maps? Oh, yes, this is perhaps the distinguishing feature of National Geographic, something that is also well-known from school days. Teachers always loved to put National Geographic maps up on the walls, and issues continue to include the most up-to-date maps of countries, physical features, even the moon, planets, and star systems.

The National Geographic Society was founded in 1888 as a nonprofit scientific and educational organization, and has in that time supported more than 6500 explorations and research projects. They have also included in more recent times to support students with scholarships. For instance, since 1993 they have given a scholarship each year to a British student in conjunction with the British Cartographic Society, in recognition of the outstanding mapmaking student in the UK. This will help continue the tradition on National Geographic.


I can not stress to you enough not to buy this on Amazon through Synapse Services, Inc. You will not get your magazine, you will not receive a refund, and you will waste your time and money! Flush your money, it's more effictive way to get rid of it.

I purchased NG for my father in June 6th 2010 as a renewal to his subscription which was expiring on Feburary 2011. I just got a last chance renewal from NG, they say my subscription is expiring? It should be good till Feburary 2012! They said they did receive an order from Synapse on June 10th but then it was canceled by Synapse in July?

NG was nice enough to give me Synapse's phone number 877-813-0320. Be sure to press 0 and go for the agent, even though it won't help you, the supervisor can't help you either!

I just got off a long phone call with Synapse Services, Inc. they canceled the subscription for no reason on their end. They never fullfilled the request? They say they refunded, but there is no refund, Amazon still has it listed active? I just wanted the magazine, they had already received payment why did they cancel it? They can't tell me? I have never been so disatisfied with a company in my life. I will be contacting Amazon, contacting the Credit Card company for payment with no service, BBB for failure to produce service, etc. I will also issue a invoice to them for my wasted time!

Basically what this company does is when they receive the actual payment from Amazon they then call up NG and cancel your subscription so they don't have to pay NG and they keep the money. Wow; what a great money making business!!!

Buy National Geographic Now

I bought National Geographics for my elderly father over 3 months ago. To this day no magazines have arrived. Tired of waiting and after a phone call from him, I barred the wait to talked to someone in NG. They told me that going through Amazon takes at least 3 months!!! and that they have shiped my order two day ago and it will take 2 weeks in transport. If I go directly through them it takes 1 months.

Read Best Reviews of National Geographic Here

I will no longer subscribe to National Geographic. This year we started getting unsolicited junk from either National Geographic or their "partner" companies masquerading as National Geographic and then billing us for the DVDs, maps, etc. I expressed my concerns in a letter to National Geographic about the problem and they did not bother to contact me. Of course now they are sending these bogus bills to their "collection department." No more National Geographic magazine EVER!

Want National Geographic Discount?

As others have stated, probably not a great idea to order Nat Geo through Amazon. I placed my order in June and received a cancellation e-mail from them today. If Amazon can't fill the subscriptions at this price, they shouldn't be offering it. Great magazine, just don't order it here.

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WoodcarvingIf you're new to carving & want to get some ideas on where to start, this may be the magazine for you. Most of the projects (usually one per magazine) are relatively simple w/ decent instructions, firmly set in the "objet d'art" category. Stuff that makes for interesting gifts that may collect dust on someone's shelves.

If you're looking for information or properties of various types of woods, try an encyclopedia instead ("Encyclopedia of Wood," ISBN: 0816021597 is a good place to start).

If you are looking for events or carving groups in your area, you might want to search online unless you live in the U.K., where this magazine is produced.

Give it a shot for a year. You'll probably pick up a tip or 2 and then move on to bigger things.