Thursday, October 31, 2013


Luckythis mag should be free, for all the advertisements put in it!

I picked this up, hoping to get more in touch with what's 'in' right now, where to get it, and for what price. YOU'D THINK a mag about shopping would help with that.

Well, it might, if you're a millionaire size 0 who has no taste.

I mean, there wasn't ONE outfit featured that didn't have at least once of the pieces in the three figures category.

Oh, but they found the perfect leather jacket! It's only $1,395. SHUT UP. I'm ordering RIGHT NOW. Oh wait, but can I afford that AND the leather and wool jacket featured here too, that's a bargain for $2k? If you buy something to wear, and have to put a 'k' at the end of your price, what the hell is wrong with you??? Hurting for things to buy, huh? Damn! People go on trans-continental vacations for that amount!

What really pissed me off was the article about the UNRELEASED Origins Gingzing mascara. No, it's not out. No, you can't even try it. But some lady at this magazine went to a meeting with some other lady and in between being hypnotized by her RINGS she kept noticing her lashes! Oh, it's our new mascara! Isn't it marvelous, darling? *Flicks scarf made of Dalmatian fur out of way*

Gullible read...err, LUCKY readers can order it for $18 with free shipping using the special code! Whoa! I've always wanted to order an expensive mascara, sight unseen and untried, because some random lady at a mag. obviously got paid to endorse it! I can't get my credit card out fast enough!

Oh wait, here it is, right where I left it after spending $3K on two jackets!

I bought the first issue of lucky when it came out and was a subscriber for years. But I let it lapse awhile ago, because I was no longer interested.

The magazine used to be a little more broadly focused... they had great home decor articles, for example, including DIY tips at times. But Lucky's publishers came out with another magazine for home decor, so a lot of those articles stopped.

The "shopping tours" of various cities seem to be getting further and further away as the recession deepens, it would be nice to have them focus on more cities that were lesser known for fashion, to find more undiscovered gems.

For me, though, the worst thing was that when the magazine started out, they focused on showcasing different types of style, and the look of the items in the magazine narrowed and got more and more mainstream and boring over time. Since almost everyone who dresses well has a little bit of a different, signature style... This bothers me a lot.

YMMV, though. I was very into this magazine as a teen, but it seemed less and less relevant to my life and style as I grew up. My idea of what makes a wonderful fashion magazine may simply have changed a lot. Lucky is still an okay fashion/eye candy mag, but it feels more and more like it's lacking the kind of edge it used to have. It seems to be more and more like other fashion mags every day, And I'd like to see a different approach.

Buy Lucky Now

'LUCKY" IS IN NEED OF A SANDWICH ...... in other words, it's getting thinner and thinner and isn't looking too healthy these days. In fact, it's been kind of a junky for a while now.

I keep up with magazine and publication news, and for a couple years or so 'Lucky' has been the sadder part of the news. Its numbers have been going down, and this current September 2012 issue is one of the thinnest September issues I've seen in a really long time. This isn't for nothing, thoughI've subscribed for about four years and I've got to say, 'Lucky' is really no longer worth subscribing to. Come December, I think I'm done.

Ever since they switched up their editor-in-chief (used to be Kim France), things just haven't been as strong for the magazine. Don't get me wrongI'm a die-hard, so-badly-wish-I-lived-in-NYC trendy hipster fashion slave. I love it all and I read almost all fashion publications on a monthly basis. But I really feel like the editors at 'Lucky' think its readers are robotic numbskulls. It's become almost nothing more than a glorified catalog, and there's barely any meaty content now. I understand that instant gratification is the name of the game these days in fashion publications, and that it's kind of a genius strategy to tell your readers exactly what to buy (with the item styled in a cute editorial shoot on the same page!). 'People StyleWatch' employs a similar technique. But I feel 'Lucky' has pigeonholed itself into catering to one specific kind of readersomeone who WORKS IN FASHION, LIKE THEMSELVES.

It's like the folks at 'Lucky' are working to create a publication simply for people EXACTLY like themselves! Same looks, same sense of taste and style, SAME PAYCHECK, same type of job, same type of living conditions (hip, urban), etc. Any time they do a feature on a 'Lucky girl' or some 'real person', they always seem to work in fashion, advertising, or are the owner of some fabulous salon. Oh, or perhaps they're a recording artist showing this year at Coachella, or they're the star of a film out this month. They always seem to live either in New York or Los Angeles. There are no teachers, no office workers, no folks from the mid-West, no one that just knows how to shop and dress damn well and WITHOUT the million-dollar budget or high-profile career. And AGAIN, don't get me wrongI am a fashion fanatic. However, my budget is, well, budget-ish. I can't identify with the 'Lucky' reader anymore because she doesn't seem to have a budget and she doesn't seem to be able to say "No" to advertising. I'm sure I could still subscribe to 'Lucky' for another year and suck the juice out of it, but I am just at the point where I feel insulted doing so. EVERY SINGLE PAGE is listed with attractively-styled items and their given prices, along with a sometimes-ludicrous description of each. Example"Bonjour, Cleveland! Rose-gold jeans feel so French rocker." I mean, ok. I get it, I like to write too. But you just feel like they're trying SO HARD to convince you to just BUY. Not to be inspired, but to buy. And they will shamelessly pitch that item to you, no matter what the price tag may be (frequently upwards of $500 ... BUT YOU'LL LOVE IT FOREVER!!!!).

While some may argue that 'Lucky' is trying to provide fashion inspiration, let's face itthe point of 'Lucky' is to inspire SPENDING, and almost nothing more. Each month, I at least find myself at the drugstore buying some new body wash they recommend in each new issue, and I just don't need that right now. I understand that 'People StyleWatch' has the same thing going but I feel they do a much better job of catering to lesser incomes and helping you restyle your own wardrobe. They have their niche with their specific focus on celebrities, and everyone can name a celebrity whose style they like. 'Lucky' just leaves you feeling overwhelmed and as if you need to be one of the "cool girls" in order to relate. Your evidence of this problem lies in the fact that their issues have been growing increasingly thinner; they're losing readers and they're losing ad pages.

If you're not Olivia Palermo, pick something else to subscribe to rather than 'Lucky'. You'll enjoy it more in the long-run.

p.s. I do like their "City Guide" feature, with a shopping guide to a different major city each month. I tear all those out and keep 'em. And one extra star for Jean Godfrey-June, their beauty editor.

Read Best Reviews of Lucky Here

This magazine is geared soley toward a very specific readership--a young, model-esque, affluent woman living in a major cosmopolitan city. I'd venture to guess that most of the products, clothing, and accessories featured will also be significantly out of the price range of most readers (not unusual to see 3 to even 4 figures per item). As an inspiration that you can use to build your own outfits, I also think what they offer is impractical. I'm not a particularly conservative dresser and have an average body, but I find the outfits they put together overly trendy (as in, it's got a shelf life of about 2 weeks or none at all), and caters to a super skinny and tall body type.

The tone of the writing throughout is also really grating. There are a lot of wannabe cutesy, dash heavy descriptions like "over-the-top-ness," "less-boob-featuring," and "as in still-wet-from-the-ocean," as well as the over-the-top-ness of descriptions like "astronomically hip." Nobody is getting this magazine for the writing, but this type of ad copy invades even the shortest product descriptions. It also has a tone of some sort of exclusive sorority, with one editor referring to another in glowing terms and even their end page is a fashion tribute to a different staff member's mother every month. It leaves me with a diabolically insane case of rolling-eye-tis.

It's basically much a pretty picture book for women to drool over, which is fine. That's why I get it; it's a diversion during a long commute when my brain is fried from work and, as you'd expect from a magazine devoted to shopping, I do often find some intriguing new product I want to try. But what finally got my rating down to a single star is that once my subscription started, the company used it as a means to clear out their backstock. It is well into July now and I've gotten the last 2 issues, both of which a regular reader and potential subscriber would already have. The next issue is already on newsstands, but I'm getting two-month-old stuff. What gives? That means 1/6 of your subscription is redundant and useless. The subscription is cheap enough that I won't bother canceling it at this point (Just when I'm about to actually get a current issue? That would be crazy!), but I won't continue to support a magazine that has so little respect for its customers.

Want Lucky Discount?

I subscribed to this magazine after having purchased, and really enjoyed, one issue at the newstand. I found I enjoyed the magazine a little less with each passing issue. While it's true that each issue is filled with new clothes and products, it gets sort of monotonous in its relentless search for the next big thing. This is especially so when that search overcomes all reason and leads to the writers praising hideously unflattering "new looks" and really strange and impractical styling.

Although the content of the magazine was inconsistent, sometimes interesting, often extended shopping guides to cities I have no plans to visit, my main issue is with the customer service I received from Conde Nast. When I subscribed, I specifically indicated that my personal information should not be sold/shared with anyone else. In contravention of Canadian privacy laws, Conde Nast ignored this request, and i started receiving my first junk mail in many years. When I called to cancel these catalogs etc. several of the advertisers confirmed through their records that they had bought my info from Conde Nast.

The realization that they were selling my info, and more recently the notification that they will be auto-renewing my subscription with an over 200% increase in cost, required my calling their customer service line. The line is mostly a circuituous maze of voice-activated commands, and makes it very difficult to speak with someone directly or tell if the line has adequately dealt with your request. I believe that I have cancelled my subscription, but the recording I got to interact with was unclear, and then the line disconnected. I plan to call back to confirm, but am leaving it for a day when I have enough patience and spare time to deal with the automated line again.

Save 58% Off

New American Paintings

New American PaintingsIn my opinion, when it comes to knowing the heart beat of American painters, no publication comes close to the Open Studio Press' "New American Paintings." Published six times a year, it's a juried exhibition in print. Each competition is cataloged in a regional volume of New American Paintings: Northeastern, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Midwestern, Western and Pacific Coast and presents the work of roughly 40 painters. Featured artists are selected on the basis of artistic merit by one juror and receive four pages of their work, bio and artist statement for free. Finalists are either over-the-top technical executionists or fresh, original, new visionaries in our field of painters. Go to their website to find out how to apply.

I have been a subscriber for ten years and have saved all by issues. When my copy arrives in the mail, it's like receiving a birthday present!

You can either subscribe annually ($89 for six editions) or pick up single copies at popular book stores for $20.

Save 26% Off

Glamour - Uk Edition

Glamour - Uk EditionI have been reading British Glamour for two years now. I can't recommend it enough to those who want more fashion and beauty advice and less sickly sweet romantic stuff (i.e., "cute things my boyfriend does" please!). The British version is is more fashionable than its American counterpart. It's trendier, wittier and gets straight to the point. Plus, it's a great size that makes it easy and fun to carry around!

British Glamour is great, so is British Vogue. However I find it funny how amazon's subscription rate to glamour is more expensive than just buying it off the newsstand (it's only $4.99/issue on the newstand). Other international magazine subscriptions such as British Vogue and French Vogue, even Nylon from the US is more expensive if you order it off amazon than on the site. Aren't we supposed to be getting better deals here?

Buy Glamour - Uk Edition Now

From the perfect sizing of this magazine (you can easily carry it with you) to the no nonsense articles, this magazine has been a favourite of mine for years! This magazine is filled with substance, unlike it's American counterpart. British society has so many different (read: accepting) views on things from culture, to nudity, to sensuality and even with relating to others.

I find this at my local bookstore, but there would be no better gift to yourself than a subscription to this so it's delivered to your doorstep each month. Every page of this little morsel is well worth the extra spent on it.

Read Best Reviews of Glamour - Uk Edition Here

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rock Sound - Uk Edition

Rock Sound - Uk EditionWhile in England I saw a magazine entitled "Rock Sound" in the music section of a shop. I have to admit the free cd in the package is what drove me to buy the magazine, but also the several pages in the back which are dedicated solely to CD reviews. I have found at least 10 good bands from those review pages alone. The magazine features bands of all kinds, though my favorites are the punk and indie bands. You may not want to subscribe to it because its more expensive than buying each individual magazine at some store like borders or something. Each issue is like $6.50 and to pay over $100 really means u are just paying for shipping which is silly. The magazine is definitely worth getting if you are tired of lame American music magazines like Spin that really dont say much adn just publish whatever is popular at that moment in time. Rock Sound is #1 in my book and I just wish it was easier to find in the states.

This mag leads where others follow. I find out about all the best new bands from rock sound.

Buy Rock Sound - Uk Edition Now

Wired (1-year auto-renewal)

WiredThis magazine was really good over 10 years ago, was thick and filled with awesome articles. I find these days it is filled with tons of ads, and not many core computer science type articles. Some of the articles are too futuristic and filled with all pop terms/buzz words and not much substance. I like a simple, powerful technological type magazine. Nevertheless, it is one of those magazines that cater to a tech crows. I like MIT Technology review far better than this magazine.

I subscribe to only 1 magazine: Wired. I am an older female, not the typical demographic, and although I have always loved techy stuff, Wired goes far beyond that to cover an amazingly wide array of topics. The articles are in-depth and educational. Even though some terminology and subjects (like gaming) are beyond my interests, I find myself reading every issue cover-to-cover.

Buy Wired (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Given that you can get any and all information from the web and in real time I have dumped all my magazines or switched to digital versions. Wired is the one I can not let go of. For anyone why loves technology this is the newsweek equivalent. It is packed with great articles.

Read Best Reviews of Wired (1-year auto-renewal) Here

The only thing I would really like Wired to improve is their access to the digital version. I've been a happy subscriber for years, which means I can access the digital version as well as the print that is delivered to my house. Problem is, I don't own an iPad or a Nook; since I have a Nexus 7 I appear to be out of luck. This just doesn't seem right and I hope they resolve it very soon.

Want Wired (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I have to say that I get my copy of Wired for free. It is simply not worth subscribing to.

Why? The writers either fawn excessively over some product or person or they are so naive that they believe anything a celebrity/writer/etc tells them. You could sell them just about any story as real even if it was about aliens in Roswell. I have never encountered a magazine that continually passes off truths based on total hearsay. Ex; the story about Facebook and the movie was ludicrous to say the least.

On the other hand, Wired usually have at least one interesting article in each magazine. As such if you can get a subscription cheap enough, it might be worth it.

Save 67% Off

Aviation Week & Space Technology

Aviation Week & Space Technology'Aviation Week & Space Technology' is the touchstone for quality technical periodicals the world over. The breadth and depth of knowledge in the 'Aviation Week & Space Technology' editorial staff and reporters is unparalleled and results in the most up to date and expert articles on aerospace in the world.

Although written mostly for industry professionals, individual articles can be grasped readily by fairly well versed laymen. The scope of the publication is a bit daunting, though, with complete coverage of military and civilian aviation, to include pilot reports, weapons assessments, and governmental and budgetary issues of relevance, as well as space launches and satellites and the allied technologies intrinsic to those disciplines. The coverage of significant aerospace events, such as an airline accident, the loss of 'Columbia', or the events of September 11, 2001 is much better detailed than in the mainstream media, for a couple of reasons: first, 'Aviation Week & Space Technology' does not sensationalize the news, they only care about factual accountings of events; second, the reporting staff is much more technically knowledgeable than anyone in the mass media or on the television networks; and, third, the expectation of readers is so high that reporters are very cognizant that misreporting, incorrect statements, or over-simplification will result in a deluge of e-mail from annoyed technical professionals.

If you are interested in the world of aerospace, particularly if you are a professional in the field, get this magazine: it will put you far ahead of the pack in general industry knowledge. I highly recommend 'Aviation Week & Space Technology' for all your aerospace news.

After placing an order for this subscription at $103, the Amazon confirming e-mail arrived, stating that the order was to be filled by CheapMagDepot. I Googled CheapMagDepot and found the same 1-year AW subscription on their site for $63! Needless to say, I cancelled the Amazon order and placed it with CheapMagDepot direct.

Buy Aviation Week & Space Technology Now

I have been subscribed to AW&ST for almost two full years, and have to say the magazine is great. The content is both varied and informative, and the whole world is covered fairly well. I am currently trying to figure out how I am going to scrounge up the money to renew my subscription for another year.

The only real complaint that I have had with the magazine is the poor editing. I don't expect a perfect magazine, but the frequency of simple spelling mistakes and occasional grammatical errors is astounding.

Read Best Reviews of Aviation Week & Space Technology Here

If you are interested in aviation or space, then this is the magazine for you. I have received about 4 issues so far and I haven't had an article I didn't find interesting yet.

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I have read it at the library before orderring the subscription, so I know it is very informative, authoritative and, when it covers a subject which interests me, I especially like it. The magazine has dozens of articles each week across the whole expanse of aviation and space related subjects with journalists who know the areas, that they cover, very well. I look for major breakthroughs in technologies, which might have something to do with space travel. I don't always see it there, but when I do it is all worthwhile.

Save 66% Off

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beckett Baseball

Beckett BaseballWhen it comes to price guides, Beckett sets the standard and is the standard. For those who are avid collectors like myself, Beckett price guides are your bible. The pleasure I get in collecting sports memorabilia is the nostalgia factor and the fact that unless sports die all together in the future, you're making a great investment for yourself and quite possibly for the entire family. The simple Beckett price guides will not display each card's value, but it will give you the value on the superstars which is what you should be shooting for anyway in your card collection. Beckett does sell larger issues of their price guide to satisfy those who still prize their Joe Peppatone rookie card. For this, we are eternally grateful to Beckett. Plus, as opposed to any other sports-related magazines, Beckett's articles on hobby collecting are quite enjoyable. Also, their tips on safety of your collection is priceless!

I was very excited about getting my lst issue of the beckett magazine, but was very disappointed when I looked in the back where the price guides are and found the print was too small and blurred for me to read it. I couldn't even make it out with a magnifier. I called beckett and they do not make this magazine in a larger print.

Buy Beckett Baseball Now

Popular Science (1-year auto-renewal)

Popular ScienceOkay, I've read the other reviews that call this publication shallow, lacking in depth, geared toward young teenagers, etc. I guess if you are looking for twenty page, in-depth technical articles that delve into every minute neutron of a particular subject, then yes, this publication might not be what you're looking for.

But, if you're a regular, average, ordinary guy like me (who would not understand those deep, brainy articles anyway) and you are looking for an entertaining, informative view onto what's new and what's cool, I think you'll be pleased. Very pleased!

Take, for example, a couple of recent issues (see the date of when this review was written). Last month was focused on the future of personal aviation and the people behind the effort to make personal flight more available and affordable, and about the aircrafts they are inventing. Fascinating! Now, can I run out and build myself a prototype after reading the articles? Ummm, no. Do I know a whole lot more about an incredibly fun subject then I did before? Yes!

This month's issue focuses on similar theme: The future of personal space travel and the idea of a space-hotel. When you're done reading it will you be able to build a rocket and fly to the moon? Of course not. But it's informative and educational to the exact level I would want it to be... just enough to make me aware, enlightened, and entertained.

So to all the non-nerds, non-rocket scientists, and non-brainiacs who want a scientific publication by the people, for the people, I think your yearly subscription money will be well spent.


This is a great magazine for those who want to find out about current scientific topics but do no want to delve into the complexity of scientific matter like Scientific American.

This is a great magazine to buy for those that are high school ages. Those who have strong technical backgrounds may find the articles a bit lacking in substance and length. The average article length is only about 2 or 3 pages and often you feel as though they could have added more.

One particular enjoyment I find in the magazine is the What's New feature. This highlights the best new inventions and innovations every moth culminating in their annual Best of What's New issue in December.

I would reccommend this magazine to anyone with a amateur interest in science and technology and wants to be kept up to date.

Buy Popular Science (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I have read PopSci for decades, and so quickly started a subscription for my son at age 10 when he showed interest. The articles are very good, but the advertisments are riddled with sexual peformace boosting products of all sorts.

I think that PopSci has a responsibility to consider that it is read by and marketed to children as well as adults, and should take a closer look at its sponsors. I couldn't let him bring it to school without ripping out pages first. I haven't noticed this problem with other periodicals of the same standing. By the way, when I contacted PopSci about my concerns about this, I received no response. Do advertisers come before the reading public?

Read Best Reviews of Popular Science (1-year auto-renewal) Here

"Popular Science" is one of the few magazines that I have a subscription to. This magazine is mind candy for the curious perosn. It informs the reader on new inventions, newsfronts, automobiles, aviation, medicine, and almost every other aspect of science. One of my favorite sections of this informative and fun magazine is the "Newsfronts" section. Here you are informed of current things that are happening in the scientific world whether it be medicine or physics.

"Popular Science" would make a great gift for a friend, family member, or yourself. This magazine will feed the craving that many people get when they are craving information. Order a subscription to this magazine and discover why everybody is raving about this being the best scientific magazine inprint. I recommend this magazine to somebody that is interested in science and would like to get a broad scope of scientific information in a great magazine.

Happy Reading!!!

Want Popular Science (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

Popular Science is among many of the magazines currently engaging in the practice of contracting out billing...which then gets subcontracted and sometimes sub-subcontracted out. This means you may have to contact three or four different companies via half a dozen (or more) phone numbers with subscription-related issues.

In fact, one subagency, Magazine Billing Services, has closed down their call center, so cancelation requests must be sent by snail mail only. (We've also seen notices from and numbers for Publishers Billing Agency and Publishers Unlimited, in addition to Popular Science's direct numbers.)

Additionally, renewal notices are sent out regardless of the actual expiration date. If subscribers aren't vigilant, they'll find themselves paying for 20 year's worth of subscriptions. And then, due to the entanglement of companies described above, it will take days of calling, holding and letter writing to get the problem of the deceptive renewal notices straightened out.

If that particular agency wasn't involved in that particular renewal notice that was responded to (and we've received "renewal" notices from all of them simultaneously), then the subscriber gets continually redirected. Get used to hearing the phrase, "I can't help you with that." Also get used to requests taking months or more to be processed (if they get processed at all) and get used to getting no responses from emailed queries, requests or complaints.

This is becoming an increasingly common practice, but that doesn't mean consumers have to put up with it. If Popular Science believes it's good customer service to subcontract out billing and relentlessly pepper subscribers with intentionally deceptive "renewal" notices, they can keep their rag of a magazine.

Save 74% Off


PloughsharesShort stories published in Ploughshares are always winning the prestigious Pushcart Prize.

Its authors are pros who are highly talented.

This is a beautiful literary magazine.

Although, as a subscriber, they've sent me the same issue twice, and I've only received 2 different issues so far...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fretboard Journal

Fretboard JournalFinally, a killer looking instrument magazine with interesting articles about players and collectors. This mag covers a pretty wide range of topics--interviews with players, builder interviews, some historical/esoteric stuff, etc. Even has some artsy photo spreads of instruments themselves. But I loved every page of the first issue. This is mag is stunning! No tab or instruction but plenty of entertaining, smart articles.

I love it. Even my wife read it!

Most magazines, and guitar magazines included, are primarily mediums to distribute advertising. This is NOT one of those. While it does have ads, they are aimed at the knowledgeable, not the impetuous. FBJ has well written, insightful articles about the music, and the people and instruments which make it. FBJ, as its name implies, explores not just guitars, but all fretted instruments, which allows a great expansion of many readers' perception of the art. The articles are long enough to wonderfully cover the subject, a refreshing change from most periodicals where article size cuts down on ad space and articles are often designed to sell advertiser's product. It explores the artists and instruments of the past and the present. It's one-on-one interviews are exceptional. Pictures are high quality, relevant, and large. Most of all, FBJ carries the reader into the very personal world of instrument making and playing like no other source will, and it delivers four times a year. An exceptional magazine by, for, and about an exceptional group of musicians and instruments.

Buy Fretboard Journal Now

An amazing magazine. The quality is superb. I highly recommend this to any music lover. I will be anxiously waiting for the next issue. My collection has begun.

Read Best Reviews of Fretboard Journal Here

This Old House (1-year)

This Old HouseIf you're looking for d.i.y. information on maintenance and minor repairs for your old house, skip this one. As the publisher says, it's pretty much all about major restorations by professionals, and there's very little the average homeowner could even participate in, let alone do on his or her own. If you want to learn how an architect chooses historically correct replacement windows for your old ones that stick, buy "This Old House." If you just want to know how to get the old ones unstuck, move on to "Family Handyman."

If you are a fan of This Old House, then you probably want to get this magazine. If you have been watching the show for a long time (who hasn't?) then you will feel like you are reading a magazine about family, as there is usually something in each issue from each of the show's participants.

The magazine offers more in-depth information about the projects you see on television. A big reason to get the magazine is to learn more about the materials used in the projects and where you can get them. In addition, there are projects covered in the magazine which are not done on the television series.

While the magazine, in my opinion, is a bit short on exact specifics, or "how-to's," one has to keep in mind that a lot of the attitude of the show seems to be "use a professional." While I can understand doing that if you have the financial resources, it just isn't always practical. Still, if you want to be informed when you do call the professionals, this is one way to do it.

Buy This Old House (1-year) Now

This is a magazine for old house lovers -people who like the style of an older home, for whom the things that break and the things that creak inspire renovation not cursing.

My wife and I live in our second old house, and have watched the TV show since before our first. For us pragmatic Norm the woodworker, blow-dried Steve the host, and spendthrift Richard the plumbing/HVAC guy are like family. This magazine provides occasional coverage of the project house you see on PBS which is a bonus for fans. But its main focus is to show you how you can fix up your own old house.

It is a great source of ideas, inspiration, and the vendors who can sell you what you'll need. Got an old house and the money and patience for renovation? If you do, get this magazine.

Read Best Reviews of This Old House (1-year) Here

This is a magazine for paid product-placement in articles, tons of ads, and so-so articles. You are paying for the name, and getting much less in return.

I HIGHLY recommend Fine Homebuilding instead of This Old House. You will not only see fabulous new and old construction, but actually take something away from it (that is the point behind magazines, right?) A magazine that actually saved me money!

I'm cancelling my subscription to T.O.H. and adding another year onto my Fine Homebuilding subscription. It's money well spent.

Want This Old House (1-year) Discount?

This magazine has lots of nice pictures.....but lacks the indepth articles that Fine Homebuilding or Fine Woodworking offers. Its basically a promotional of the long running tv series, and will disapoint anyone above a novice in construction.

Save 68% Off

American Girl

American GirlAmerican Girl has always been one of my favorite magazines. I started subscribing when I was about seven, and I'm still getting it now, at age 13, in addition to the typical "teen magazines." This magazine has great craft and party ideas, and stories about real girls who've had different kinds of interesting experiences. From reading some of the Amazon reviews, I've gotten the idea that some girls are upset by the fact that American Girl publishes hardly any stories about boys, puberty, and makeup, and they have too many articles on crafts and parties. However, I think the fun craft and party ideas are part of what makes American Girl a great magazine. Although pre-teen life doesn't revolve around back-to-school themed sleepovers and Christmas ornament crafts, a girl doesn't need to shut crafts and parties out of her life the day she turns twelve. If you're looking for a magazine with advice on how to put on lip liner and deal with your crush, this may not be the magazine for you. But I think there are plenty of magazines with advice about makeup and boys, and American Girl is a great magazine, even if it doesn't talk much about those topics. I think many girls will enjoy this magazine, especially those between the ages of 8 and 12 (although there are eleven-year-olds who feel to old for the magazine, and fourteen-year-olds who still read it faithfully).

American Girl magazine is geared to girls aged 7-13. Much younger than that and many girls aren't reading at the appropriate level yet. Much older and they may be ready to move on. But honestly I'm surprised to read so many reviews by 10 or 11 year old girls who feel they're too old for this magazine. I don't believe girls that age NEED magazines based solely on makeup tricks, flirting with boys, etc. AG has articles such as dealing with relationships with friends. Like when you and your best friend start to grow apart. Or when she moves away. Articles like one about a girl whose family travels around the world on their sailboat for two years. Crafts that you can actually be proud to give at the age of 10.

Several reviewer have complained that the magazine is short and expensive. It is. But here's why: there is NO advertising (short of anything American Girl related). In many magazines, advertising accounts for easily half the pages. And advertising enables publishers to sell magazines for a low cost. AG has no advertising and so has to charge a fair price to produce it. I'm more than willing to pay for that kind of publication.

Parents ordering for your daughters, you know your girl. If you've got a 10 year old going on 16, this may not be for your child. If you have a precocious 6 year old, she might like it as well. AG is the kind of magazine I'm glad my daughters enjoy.

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I am a sixteen-year-old former reader of American Girl who looked forward to it every month during elementary school. This magazine (as well as the entire company's products) encourages learning, thinking, creativity, independence, appreciation of the past, love of diversity, and self-expression. Finally in a world where half the women are encouraged to just be sex toys and the other half are taught that they should be obedient, unambitious, lower-class citizens and somehow enjoy their subhumanity, there is a voice telling girls to dream big, play hard, and explore themselves and their world. Educational, entertaining, and inspiring.

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I'm a magazine major in college, and I'm studying AG this semester. I actually wanted to thank you all for your great comments on Amazonbeleive it or not, they're really helpful for my research paper!

I was a huge fan of AG as a young girl, and honstly, even at 18 I'm finding that more than just researching the magazine, I'm really enjoying reading it. This is, in my opinion, the only respectable magazine left for young girls. It will never ask you to grow up too quickly or to change who you are. It will never tell you there's a certain way to act around boys, or wear your hair, or paint your lips. It doesn't insult with dribble about scandals and celebrities. AG glorifies girls. It asks their input, and really cares about the feedback (yes, I found out from interviewing the founding editor that they actually file every piece of reader mail for future reference). I urge you to get this publication for your daughters. It is truly exceptional.

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I ordered this magazine for my daughter for her eighth birthday, and she loves it! She is approaching her 11th birthday and she still loves this magazine. There is something in it for girls from every background. This magazine gets my highest possible recommendation.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Full Cry

Full CryThe best magazine available for Cur or Feist folks! Matter of fact, the only one available!!

Go ahead and get a year sent to you, money well spent!!

This is a wonderful magazine that represents many breeds of dogs and many types of hunting. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in hunting with dogs.I look foward to recieving it every month and can hardly put it down.

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I am familiar with Full Cry Magazine and know that if I ever receive it, I will enjoy it. However, I have not received an issue since buying my subscription online with Amazon. In the future, I will not subscribe to a magazine from them. I needed the issue this month to review an ad that I placed but it doesn't look like I'm going to get it and this is not a magazine you can buy in stores. I may purchase books in the future from Amazon but I don't suggest that anyone subscribe to a magazine they want to receive in a reasonable amount of time.

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Great magazine that is about hunting with dogs. This is the only magazine of it's kind because it covers old fashioned American style hunting for such game as Bobcat, Coons, Possums, Squirrels along with various big game like Hogs, Lion and Bear. The best part is the dogs, along with the usual Hounds there are articles about hunting with Airedales, Curs and Fiests and other obscure hunting breeds.

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Awesome magazine in many ways: tells you where events are, has ads for great dogs, really educational.


GuitaristI've been purchasing this high-quality magazine for the past 3 1/2 years and have been mostly thrilled with the quality of its content for the entire duration.

The gear reviews are probably the best in its publication class: the gear they choose to review covers a wide range of user profiles, from boutique to beginner-oriented gear. The lessons and transcriptions cover a good balance of the musical landscape in guitar music and are very well produced. The columns on guitar and amp maintenance are so-so, and unfortunately don't go much beyond the very basics, but the occasional recording and songwriting columns are much more sophisticated.

The artist features are probably the weakest part of the magazine, and take up a solid chunk of the magazine, but it's probably a necessary evil of marketing the publication. Finally, the CD/DVD reviews are idiosyncratically British and overly indulge in glowing reviews for too many mediocre modern Britpop acts and the British version of alternative rock...but then, that's part of the charm of buying a UK publication isn't it?

I've enjoyed the editorial content of the magazine so much that I've been a subscriber for the past two years. Sadly, as good as the editorial content, the business side of the magazine appears to fall far short.

As a consumer, probably the main thing one would care about for a publication that costs $135 annually is consistent and timely delivery. Not only does the publisher seem incapable of delivering the magazine in synch with the time it hits newsstands in the UK, but it consistently arrives later than it hits the newsstands IN THE U.S. In fact, the routine delay is about 25 days after an issue's release.

Even worse, nearly half of all issues simply never arrive, which is a problem I've not encountered with the magazine's sister publications (Guitar Techniques and Total Guitar). After months of communicating with the publisher, I'm advised that this is a widespread problem that has required a change in the delivery method to attempt solving the problem. Kudos for that...however, the attempt to achieve delivery of 2 back issues that never arrived was similarly unsuccessful. Somehow, Guitarist UK issues seem to turn into vaporware when they are mailed...which would suggest that using a courier with tracking might be helpful once a problem has been clearly identified.

Although it has good editorial content, the lackluster business management and fulfillment functions make this an ambivalent recommendation. The Economist manages timely delivery and it costs less. Let's hope Guitarist can pull it together, because it's editorial team deserves a competent business team backing it: 6.5 on a 10-point scale.

Without the delivery problems, it would get a solid 8.0.

This magazine is perfect for people who think that knowing all the gear and buying most of it, helps you to make you a great guitar player.

It's just the opposite: all this gear crap is a filler, a distraction. Trust me, I have been there, and it was a mistake. Get rid of this magazine and learn to play by going to a quality tutor or online.

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Catholic Answer

Catholic AnswerI have now ordered this magazine for several friends who are either new to the Catholic Church or who are anxious to learn more about it. It is an excellent resource and is full of articles -many in Q and A format -which deal with many interesting faith issues and present full and understandable answers. I, myself, have a fairly good background in the Faith and I find it quite interesting also. Good, solid explanations and interestingly presented.

This is a good resource for learning the about the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ. It has an attractive lay out,very informative, and is very faithful to Holy Mother Church.

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Would recommend Catholic Answer magizine for any Catholic or even those wishing to learn more about Catholicism. Well written and on a level most people can understand. Articals are timely. Wish was published monthly instead of every 2 months.

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Very Informative magazine, I especially enjoy the question and answer format. Both my husband and I have enjoyed reading it and discussing the subjects in each issue.

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This is a very good subscription. I have bought it as gifts before, and They always comment, on how good the publication is.

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Saturday, October 26, 2013


AudioFileAs someone who loves to read, and finds it increasingly difficult to find time to do so in a time crunched world, I rely on Audiofile magazine to point me in the direction of what will provide a great listening experience.It provides reviews which I find are very accurate and illuminating. Through the magazine I have been guided to many authors, narrators and subjects that I might previously have been unaware of, or overlooked.The review section covers several different categories of book in every issue, describing content, and highlighting excellence.Sometimes the authors of a book will be interviewed with the review of a narrators work side by side. This I find fascinating.

The articles give an insider look at an ever changing industry, and "connect up the dots" of this fascinating, mysterious world by discussing anything and everything that is audiobook related.

Audiofile is the only place I can count on to recieve accurate information about this growing and rapidly changing industry, that remains largely unsung elsewhere. It is a highlight when I recieve the latest copy, go through it and plan what I am going to listen to next.It has led me to many works I might never have considerd and helps me follow my favorite narrators, audio related events etc.Whether you are an everyday listener or an industry professional,AudioFile is a lifeline! Life would be a lot duller without this irreplaceable guide.

I can hardly wait for my next copy to come. I look forward to the magazine more than any other magazine I get and read every word in it. I save them for years and go back to them as they have relevance years back when new books come out. They give me pleasure with every read. Even though I can read them on the computer I just love having them around the house so I can pick one up and see what was around months ago or years ago. I'm a real fan. I can't say enough. I've given them as gifts to all of my friends that join audible. I buy books I might not have noticed without reading about it in audiofile. Thank you, thank you, thank you. What more can I say. Keep them coming.

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For lovers of audiobooks, Audiofile Magazine performs a valuable service. While I read book reviews from many sources, Audiofile Magazine is the only reviewing service I've found that provides feedback on the quality of the listening experience. Highly recommended.

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I admit it; I'm addicted ... not to the heavy stuff, but instead head-over-heels in love with audiobooks. And they have found a friend in AudioFile, a truly wonderful magazine that informs addicts like me about the latest trends, equipment, books to hit the market. The down is that it's only published every other month. I voraciously read it both on line and the "hardcover" edition that arrives in my mailbox. Some other reviewer complains that the reviews are nothing more than recaps. While they are short and to the point, I disagree about the contents of the reviews. They're exactly what I'm looking for: an overview of the book, not an in-detail New York TImes type review. If I want to learn more I then check with Amazon to see what others feel. While I still purchase and read print books (they'll never go out of style!), I have found audiobooks a great alternative to curling up with Agatha Christie. And, hopefully, AudioFile, along with my newfound addiction to audiobooks, will continue to prosper and grow. It's good to be in on the ground floor!

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For lovers of audio books, this is a must have magazine. The reviews are thorough and interesting. I have seldom found I review that has not been helpful. f I enjoy the articles and even the ads. The magazine has a service whereby they send you, via email, upcoming reviews. I am a knitter, handspinner and weaver and audio books are my constant companion. It is important to me to have a source of reviews. There is nothing like renting or buying and audio book and not liking it. I highly recommend this magazine.

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New York Times Book Review

New York Times Book ReviewThe New York Times Book Review is designed for an archetypal NYTimes Reader: a person with a solid liberal-arts education with moderate-to-liberal political views who is eager to appear up-to-date with contemporary literature serious fiction, popular biographies and non-fiction in the social sciences. Popular fiction, serious science and other subjects are usually omitted not by design but because of space constranits, I believe.

That said, most reviews seem to be thorough, fair and educational in themselves, although occasionally you will note that a reviewer may have a significant, important bias concerning the author s/he is reviewing. Some times this isn't revealed and leads to weeks of debate in the letters column.

In recent years more attention has been paid to so-called children's literature, which is helpful. The fiction best-seller lists are almost meaningless anymore, as they are crammed with thrillers and romances almost of the drug-store variety, but the non-fiction best-seller lists can be a way to find something new.

There are few specialty columns (or any columns at all, come to think of it), but the venerable Marilyn Stasio has done an excellent job of covering the huge mystery field and keeping readers up to date on their old favorites as well as promising newcomers.

The Times' book world tends to be occupied by authors who have already passed an invisible acid test of acceptability. You'll have to seek out truly new voices in less traditional publications. That said, the Times Book Review keeps you up-to-date on all of the important books and provides additional sustenance for the average, well-educated reader of somewhat broad tastes.

I purchased this subscription as a gift for my wife. Unfortunately, Magazine Express could not start the subscription for almost eight weeks. I put up with this indignity because the price seemed reasonable. My wife loves the Review and reads every word.

It would be nice if the delivery was consistent. Magazine Express really is a mediocre company. Some weeks we don't receive the week's review and then the next week we get two different editions. This not what I signed up for. Please, one review per week delivered on or about the same day of each week would be nice.

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I have been reading the NY Times Book Review for many many years. There rarely is a week when there is not some review of considerable interest to me. Though I oppose its political bias which is left liberal, I appreciate the solidity, and respectful way in which most reviews are written. There is a sense that for the Times books and culture in general have meaning and importance.

The 'Times ' tends to bet for its main articles on proven winners. A review in the Times can make a person's name, and many many are the writers whose books have arrived in the 'Times' offices never to be given a real look at.

The 'Times ' articles and reviews are not the longest and the deepest but they do often provide pleasant reads, and arouse real interest in the book in question.

The NY Times Book Review is still of first importance because the NY Times is .

I still try to skim through every week searching for the review or two that I really have to try to chew and digest.

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This is a lame excuse not to actually go out and Purchase new books. I grew up with Cliff's Notes. This would be a logical extension.

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for anybody who can't handle the whole Sunday New York Times, this section is very welcome. Also: it arrives in the mail a few days before the Sunday Times.

Insight Namibia Magazine

Insight Namibia MagazineI came across insight as a student studying abroad in Windhoek. It is a fairly new publication and was founded as a pet-project by some veteran Namibian journalists in 2004. Since then, the magazine has a built up a reputation for its reports on corruption, the economy, and social issues. I like how it is often fearlessly critical of the SWAPO government and the journalism awards they have won are well deserved. The satirical section also often has me laughing out loud and the monthly review is a great way to catch up on the news. If you are interested in current events from the Southern African region, a subscription to insight is definitely worth the cost.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Army Times

Army TimesI ordered the Army Times on 8/31/12. Today is 10/02/12 and I have yet to receive the first copy. As a retired military member, and father of a current active duty Soldier, I like to stay current on matters effecting the military and their direct impact on my son. To say I am still waiting and disappointed is an understatement!

This is one of the best publications for American Soldiers today. It has the good, the bad, and occasionally ugly news about the U.S. military. Whether your focus is on promotion, gossip, or getting a different perspective, this periodical is worth reading.

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Army times is a weekly newspaper focusing on Army issues.

It is greatly under appreciated in my opinion. Having editorials that are informed and fair, that alone makes it stand out as a top tier newspaper. Fact checking definitely takes place in this outfit.

This newspaper covers army issues as well as world events, which is the right scope for someone not at leisure to go through a stack of publications each week.

With a year's subscription you are entitled to their specials on rest and leisure, reserve guard, and travel. These specials are insert magazines that totally cover the topic at hand.

Unfortunately the libraries I've visited do not carry it. Too bad for library patrons, really.

A great publication for military folk, and a good point of view for those outside of it.

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I get this every year for my father in-law who is retired Army. He reads it cover to cover the day it arrives in the house. Keeps him up to date on the Army life and issues that affect him as well.

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Army Times is a must for an soldier who plan to stay in the army.Gives you much needed up to date info. Pay scales, cut-off scores, changes in the army rules and reg. And just current news from around the world about the army. Served for 8 years including 6 month combat. Been out since 1997 but want to order home dilvery!

Model Railroader

Model RailroaderThe largest circulation standard for American model railroaders. Broad coverage of products, techniques, and existing model railroads. Excellent for those just entering or considering the hobby.

I've just finished the 75th anniversary issue of Model Railroader. Another excellent issue. Model Railroader is the once and still leader in the model railroading journalism field. There are other magazines which cater to a particular niche in this already small interest area that may do a better job in their specialized areas of interest but for the best overall coverage, for leadership, for vision, for service to model railroading Model Railroader stands alone.

Model Railroader offers the best photos, well-written articles, leading edge ideas and techniques. And they do this all for about the same price as the other magazines in the field.

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Model Railroader has been criticized for years for 'light' model railroading, concentrating on new modelers instead of appealing to the old pros. I really think they are doing what they need to do to appeal to the most modelers possible. They have articles on scratch building or kitbashing nearly every issue, great articles on many different topics applicable to most modelers and of course they do the full color 'layout tour' better than anyone!

The other magazines of course are excellent in their own ways but if you are new to the hobby or like step by step projects with lots of photos and illustrations or like to look at the great photography of model railroads this is the place to go. It is truly astounding how many great model railroads there have been in this magazine over the years.

My only criticisms are nearly exclusive HO scale coverage, which is understandable but still frustrating (I am an O scaler myself), and the demise of the old 'dollar model' or other inexpensive modeling techniques.

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I love this magazine. Anybody interested in model railroads has to have this mag. It has excellent articles and how to dos

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This a great magazine. they have good articles and now it includes video that you can play so see how other guys do there models