Saturday, May 31, 2014

Self (1-year auto-renewal)

SelfI've subscribed to Self on-and-off for about 15 years, but have recently been feeling like I've outgrown the magazine. The articles seem to focus on issues facing single women who are just starting their careers. Fine, but not for me anymore! Also, their subscription department is terrible! My most recent subscription has been plagued with missed issues, double issues and late issues -and a customer service department that can't quite pull themselves together.

While I look to Glamour and Mademoiselle magazines for intelligent topics on women's interests and look to Cosmopolitan for sex and relationship advice and Vogue for the latest fashion trends, I look to Self for self-improvement. This glossy mag features articles on how to stay fit, eat healthy, look and feel great and delves into issues such as breast cancer and different types of painful menstruation as well as articles on what a difference it makes to eat strawberries instead of chocolate for snack and the importance of drinking water. (My skin is looking great for having started drinking more water.) It is the mag I look to to make me feel good! I have learned how to eat healthier snacks and different exercise routines by reading this gem. This is my first year as a subscriber to this magazine and I shall continue to subscribe to it every year!

Buy Self (1-year auto-renewal) Now

My Self subscription started when Women's Sports & Fitness was cancelled. While it's not quite as athletic as that magazine was, Self has an extra emphasis on participation rather than competition. They use "reader models" in a lot of their photo spreads, and really emphasize the idea of a healthy and strong body, over an idealized "fashion model" body. Articles discuss the latest gym class crazes, nutrition and supplement breakthroughs, and debunking of fad diets. They do include some fashion (focus on workout apparel) and makeup (emphasis on natural look and healthy skin) info, but this is not a foo-foo Cosmo magazine. There are healthy recipes, workout plans targeting a new body part monthly, and creative ways to workout outside the gym as well as inside. Overall, this magazine focuses on real women's lives and how to make them healthier, happier, and more fit. There's a lot of practical advice here that is very applicable to most people's lives.

Read Best Reviews of Self (1-year auto-renewal) Here

Self what? The entire magazine now pushes product on every inch of every page. Their product placements went from "convenient and subtle" to obviously pandering to their revenue sources. Plus the stories and tips are so far out of reality that anyone over 25 with half of a brain couldn't relate. I once enjoyed Self and their monthly self-help plans. Their core message has gotten lost in the sea of product pushing.

Want Self (1-year auto-renewal) Discount?

I've been a Self subscriber for two years, and I just cancelled subscription. At first, I loved the magazine because it offers lots of nutritional advice, and the Self Challenge, which starts in March, is really helpful for starting an exercise routine.

However, after two years, I've noticed the following:

Content tends to repeat over and over. If you subscribe, you'll really only need one year to get the gist of what they'll say every month.

Too much emphasis on statistics. I tried to count the number of studies Self referenced in one issue, and lost count because ther were so many.

Too much editorializing on social issues. I don't like being preached at in the name of "women's health," but that's just my personal opinion.

Not enough discussion of exercises to do at the gym. If you don't have a gym membership, Self is great at providing exercises you can do at home. But there's almost no discussion of how to effectively use weight lifting machines, or even free and hand weights.

All in all, a pretty decent magazine. But not good enough for a renewal for a third year!

Save 58% Off

Small Farm Today : Total Concept Small Farming Gardening & R

Small Farm Today : Total Concept Small Farming Gardening & RSFT takes a rather unsteady stance over the span between regional/local publication to broader, national interest magazine. It appears that it was recently more of a local (Missouri) publication that is seeking to reach a wider audience. Or perhaps I was just that broader audience seeking something that wasn't really there. The articles can be interesting but the ads and conference announcements are 99% Missouri-centric. For the money it is not really worth it. (They also persist in carrying an ad in every issue with an enticing a tractor deal that has a dead www link and seems to be some sort of scam. A bit "sketchy" as my son would say.)

Modified Mustang & Fords

Modified Mustang & FordsThis magazine is mostly about mid to late 60's model mustangs and there restoration. There are some really outstanding cars to be found in here. I myself was mostly interested in the 2010 and later model years, and the 03 and 04 cobras. I prefer mustang 5.0 magazine for those models. This magazine seems to have a heavier paper and better glossy photos than 5.0, you'll enjoy seeing these beautiful works of art.

I got this magazine for a full year for my 15 year old grandson! He loves the idea that something personal plus something he loves comes in the mail every month just for him. I hit a sweet spot with this purchase this Christmas!

Buy Modified Mustang & Fords Now

Friday, May 30, 2014


BelieverTheir Web site sells a year subscription for $45. I find that Amazon, or whoever their affiliate is, repeatedly sells magazine subscritions for more than the actual magazine itself.

I feel like the word "magazine" nominally cheapens the value of The Believer, for it is nothing like what I've come to know as a magazine. What do I mean?

1. There are no advertisements, at all

2. There are almost no photographs, although there are many drawings

3. The story topics are seemingly disparate, yet each tends to relate itself somehow to literature

4. The cover and pages are quality paper and binding, not some flimsy, glossy mess bound with a few staples

Without a doubt, this is my favorite periodical. Each article is stimulating in its own right, even if the topic itself is not interesting.

Buy Believer Now

Yep, pretension is the name of game here. Although it's not really pretension its a kind of uber-pretense, a pretension so pretensive in its self-mockery that it somehow doubles back itself and actually becomes almost worthwhile.


The cutesiness of the verbal ticks (each article, for example, is prefaced with a distinctly unnecessary list of issues which will be "discussed")are so studious in their avoidance of any level of seriousness as to be nearly embarassing. The quality of writing is, as one might imagine, mixed. The book reviews are hilariously unimformative, and yet again one suspects this is done on purpose. How gauche do we readers need to be to want to find out what a book is about from a review! Or whether not the book is worth reading! How pedestrian! Pul-ease!

All in all one walks away with the distinct impression that to spend more than 5 minutes in conversation with the Believer (or the McSweeny's) crowd would be an unavoidable prelude to a grisly murder-suicide. Simultaneously brilliant and annoying, The Believer is the sort of thing that people who like this sort of thing will certain like. And even then in small doses, I suspect.

Read Best Reviews of Believer Here

If you want to read one of the most interesting, quirky, insightful and well-written magazines about books and literature being published today, this baby is for you. One of my favorite pieces in the first issue was Heidi Julavits's right-on critique of modern book reviewing. And the interviews of Susan Straight and Galen Strawson were magnificent! As for the design: first rate. So, I am now a believer...and a subscriber.

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How I love you so. The Believer is the latest periodical to begin publishing under the McSweeney's line, a line which includes work by Dave Eggers, Neal Pollack, Rick Moody, and the superfine McSweeney's itself, another journal of stupefying literary proportions. The Believer takes up the nonfiction wing of the building -book reviews, trends, music, interviews, et cetera amen -but does it like no other. These cats do it with style, approaching old subjects from different angles, new perspectives, an insouciant wit, and good old-fashioned gumption, the kind all our grampas talk about. You know.

The articles are smart, the interviews actually interesting, the divergences diverging, and with that Spartan sense of design and oh-so luscious Charles Burns illustrations, The Believer has now become the only periodical I want to make babies with.

Get a subscription. You have your orders.

Save 24% Off

Military Spouse

Military SpouseMilitary Spouse holds itself out as a sort of "Self" magazine tailored to the military spouse (well, wife, for the most part). The articles themselves are innocuous, uncontroversial and upbeat, as you'd probably expect. One disturbing thing in the most recent issue caught my eye: in a Christmas-gift section, the authors write, "Is his Christmas list bigger than your wallet this year? Stop saying Bah Humbug, and try a payment plan! Freedom Furniture and Electronics can set up military families with per-payday allotments ...." In civilian speak, you authorize the finance office to direct a portion of your pay to the company each month on a layaway type of arrangement.

Here's the problem. This company and others like it prey on young military members by advertising ultra-low "per payday" prices for the items they sell. They hold themselves out as offering special deals to military members (they like to use words like "Freedom" and "Patriot" in their company names). You have to hunt around the website to figure out how to calculate the actual price of what you're buying, because they never post the total price of anything. Everything is based on the purchaser getting a line of credit with the company, and that credit line is at a whopping 19.96% APR. If you search enough, you'll find out that you need to multiply the "per payday" price by 48 to determine the total price. They advertise a grill that costs $980, but you can buy the same thing from Amazon for $330 ... they have tripled the price. They advertise an Acer laptop which comes to an absurd $1,673, when that same laptop is being sold for less than 25% of that price on overstock websites. But, at $10 or $20 a payday, it sounds like a great deal, until you figure out the final cost would be $480 or $960, respectively.

The military spends a great deal of time trying to educate its young servicemembers that they're getting fleeced by companies like Freedom Furniture, and it's mindboggling that a magazine that holds itself out as supporting military families is endorsing getting involved with such shady marketers. What this tells me is that the publishers of Military Spouse are more concerned with product placement and ad revenue than they are with military families. No one should be encouraging our members to pay 3 to 4 (or more) times the going rate for merchandise. And they definitely shouldn't be pitching this as a gift-buying solution for people who are already short of cash! I say avoid this publication.

I was so excited that this magazine was coming out and I subscribed without bothering to see the first isssue. I'm sure some people will find it beneficial, but I want more. I'd save my subscription money and perhaps buy it off the rack if it is relevant on occasion.

I will not be renewing because I'm very disappointed in the content and quality of this magazine. It has so much potential, but falls drastically short. The content rarely, if at all, has enough information to be valuable in any category. The articles are short and not in depth enough to make an impact. The advice columns border on irresponsible and tacky. In some cases, I can't believe that the advisor is a qualified expert as they state. I still think Military Spouse could raise itself up and be an excellent magazine, but I will not buy it until I see that it has done so.

Buy Military Spouse Now

I've bought several issues after reading the cover, and every time I've been disappointed by the content within. Every time I picked up another copy, I had hoped that it would get better. Well, I have finally learned my lesson and will stop wasting my money.

The problem I have with this magazine is that while the articles are relevant to the military spouse, the articles themselves are way too short, unoriginal, and just filled with fluff. I get the feeling that the writers do little to no research when composing their articles, and just write off the top of their heads. While I can appreciate reading about others' personal experiences, if the article is supposed to be about stress and the military spouse, I want to actually know what kind of resources are available and expect some professional information in the article. Instead, the articles offer generic advice that you can find anywhere else, and aren't necessarily tailored to the unique needs of a military spouse, e.g. Breathe in and out slowly when under stress. Really? My husband is deployed to a war zone and that's the advice you give me?

The truth is, this magazine could be really great, however it definitely falls short. I feel that it lacks professionalism, and appears to be produced by a bunch of military spouses looking for a hobby. While I am all for supporting other military spouses and their endeavors, some of the magazine's staff just aren't cut out to be professional journalists. The content and look of the magazine would be greatly improved if they brought in a few writers and an editor with real journalist backgrounds and experience, and that are not married to the military. I don't think having writers not married to the military would hurt, but actually help because they would actually have to do research to learn about this community, and not just write about their generic experiences. They could also expand the magazine to include content that all people would enjoy, not just military spouses. I think this would bring the magazine up to a higher standard and would warrant my $3.99 at the newsstand.

Read Best Reviews of Military Spouse Here

The magazine itself is nothing special. It is very repetitive with not a lot of useless information. It's mostly just filled with pictures and articles with no substance.

The magazine has an online forum which I went onto and posted a few things. The other spouses in this forum were rude, closed minded, misguided and paranoid. They had Islamic bashing sessions (along with bashing others who weren't Christian by saying that non-Christians have mental disorders), they mistrusted ANY prior service women (which I happen to be) or active duty women because they think that ALL women in the military are out to "steal their men." They condone infidelity by saying that anyone that has been cheated on should just go to marriage counseling because it was an accident (even if it was a regular occurrence in the marriage) and you should NEVER leave for that reason because you should ALWAYS make your marriage work after infidelity, including multiple offenses (but in reality it seems that they were saying that you loose benefits and might have to get your own job if you get a divorce). If this is what the magazine represents, I would NEVER recommend it to any military spouse!!

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I disagree with the negative reviews, and I realize that as a business owner its hard to make everyone happy. I think its important to try and get the nuggets you need out of the magazine and if something is "missing" in your eyes, think of how you may be able to make a contribution to the military sposue community yourself. Its a group effort to meet each other's needs. As a career and life coach in the military spouse community, I often recommend that spouses read Military Spouse magazine to get a sense of the broader military community beyond their current circumstances and was suprised to read any negative reviews on the publication. I think they do a great job!

Bicycle Times

Bicycle TimesMost bicycle magazines seem to be only for racers, bike geeks, or people who have $5000 to spend on a bike. This magazine is for people who just ride bikes. There are plenty of bikes reviewed in this magazine that cost less than $1000. Sometimes the stories are kind of dorky, and some of the people are kind of geeky, and whenever anything political is discussed, it is obvious that the publisher has a liberal lean; but as a conservative myself, that doesn't really bother me and this is the only bicycle magazine I buy any longer. All the other magazines have seemed to forgotten that not everyone is interested in racing or wearing funny-looking bicycle clothes when they ride or spending a fortune on a bicycle. This magazine is more in tune to those who just want a decent, affordable bicycle to ride to work or to go pick up some groceries, or to just have a little fun with. The magazine also covers cargo bikes, single speed bikes, fold-able bikes, and other bikes that most other magazines ignore. And because of that, this magazine is just more interesting to me because it does not have such a narrow focus of what bicycling is all about.

Like all magazines, some issues are better than others, so read a few to see if you like it. I have had some issues that I would rate as not very good, but others that are great, and most that are really pretty good. So overall, I consider this a magazine I am willing to buy a subscription to.

Great stories, pictures, and voice for cycling advocacy. Gets into touring, and commuting, covers bicycling for those of us who aren't into spandex.

Buy Bicycle Times Now

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Loulou - English Edition

Loulou - English EditionThis is, in a way, a Canadian equivalent to Lucky. It was launched in the summer of last year and after I bought the first issue, I was hooked. It has everything you need to know about new beauty products, new trends and great new stores opening around Canada. It also has this "Remix" section about lifestyles, books, music, etc. In the back, there are also a bunch of great deals that you can use in Canadian stores. The only flaw was that the magazine layout was a bit crowded. It's a great read when you're on the road or on the way to the mall!

The magazine is fine, it is basically an advertisement for Canadian retailers however it does give some fashion tips and trends. The problem with Lou Lou Magazine is the Customer Service -it is terrible. If you receive a damaged issue or do not receive an issue at all, you have to send an email to Customer Service. After sending six emails to so-called Customer Service, my issue was never resolved. Basically they send a canned email stating they are sorry for your inconvenience and we are investigating but my problem was never resolved. I had to keep following up and dealt with the same two individuals in Customer Service who did not have the ability and/or authority to resolve the matter. It was completely frustrating and with service like this it is no wonder the publishing world of magazines is in such dire straights.

Buy Loulou - English Edition Now

Penthouse Variations (1-year)

Penthouse VariationsMy husband and I love getting our monthly subscription. We read it to each other in the bath tub and get all hot and bothered. We often talk about the stories inside and discuss our interest in the fantasies we've read about. Variations has definitely led us to try a lot of fun things together.

If you find yourself interested in trying some of the things you are reading about in this mag, check out Intense Games DVD, it is an adult party game that makes fantasies reality. Really.

Penthouse Variations is a spin-off magazine of Penthouse that includes Reader's Letters, bondage or BDSM letters, reviews, etc. It also contain short pictorials and long stories about people who get tied up for a weekend or become willing sex slaves for there partner. Variations also have cover girls and will normally advertise sex toys and sex machines as well as the usual magic pill. Contents include S&M Letters, Wife Watching Letters, and Sex Toy Stories. Although many of the stories focus on couples, there are some that explore the thrill of the casual encounter. These wild and sensual stories have altered people's lives and will open your mind to the erotic possibilities that can exist.

Buy Penthouse Variations (1-year) Now

If you have a taste for the more exotic sexual encounters you will find them in these pages. There is always a wide variety of stories each month. Most fetishes and fantasies are covered. I'm a fan and recommend this to adventurous people. If you're prudish about your sexuality, don't bother.

Read Best Reviews of Penthouse Variations (1-year) Here

You will see for your self why I like this magazine when you bought it & did you see her big ass!

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Dialogue - a Journal of Mormon Thought

Dialogue - a Journal of Mormon ThoughtFor forty years Dialogue a Journal of Mormon Thought has been a voice for Mormon students, poets, and scholars examining the interplay of the secular world with Christian and Mormon theology and history. I am a charter subscriber to Dialogue and have been entertained, taught, instructed, insulted and inspired by a broad range of concerned, informed, creative and thoughtful voices. Reading Dialogue is worthwhile for faithful Latter-day Saints, for persons wishing to know about Mormonism and for scholars interested in comparative American religions. I heartily recommend the journal to any thoughtful inquirer.

Val Hemming, M.D.

This is the premier scholarly journal in Mormon Studies. It is owned and edited entirely independently of Mormon Church control, but its contents are balanced and scholarly and never attack the church or its leaders. As a professor in religious studies, I have often used this journal for assigned readings to my students. It is the best, and almost the only, source of independently published articles on Mormon history, doctrine, and contemporary issues (as well as short stories and poetry!).

Buy Dialogue - a Journal of Mormon Thought Now

I like each of the three main Mormon studies journals (Journal of Mormon History, BYU Studies are the other two), and Dialogue is my favorite (I regularly read all three). The academic articles are double-blind peer-reviewed, and I find them consistently interesting and occasionally challenging. I enjoy the art, fiction and personal essay sections, and sometimes even like a poem or two. Part of Dialogue's value comes from its status as an independent journal. Though it doesn't appear to seek controversy (and sometimes, IMHO, seems to try too hard to avoid it), when dealing with controversial socio-theo-political issues, the Journal tries to seek out multiple sides of an issue. Dialogue publishes a fair number of articles on Mormon history, but those if you are interested in purely the history side of Mormon Studies, the Journal of Mormon History would be the first thing to subscribe to.

Read Best Reviews of Dialogue - a Journal of Mormon Thought Here

It is hard to imagine where Mormon studies would be without Dialogue's continuous presence over the past forty years. Some of the most important pieces regarding Mormon history, theology, politics, philosophy, science, and the arts have appeared in Dialogue. Its autonomy from church control affords it free range to discuss important but controversial issues that in-house publications may shy away from, but the integrity of its editorial team and reviewers prevent it from being a clearinghouse for malcontents. On the whole, the journal could probably use a few more "conservative" voices for the sake of true "dialogue," but this seems to be an issue of the nature of submissions rather than active censorship or a preconceived agenda. The primary target audience consists of "thoughtful Mormons" (however one defines that), but it is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in Mormon issues, and many of the contents deal with religious issues more broadly. It is not a "popular" journal, and will generally appeal to those of a more "intellectual" bent, but it is neither elitist nor explicitly aimed at academics. In short, Dialogue has consistently been at the forefront of Mormon studies and is well positioned to remain there for many years to come.

Want Dialogue - a Journal of Mormon Thought Discount?

If this journal were honest, it would not try to pretend to be a journal of Latter-day Saint scholarship. It is not. Rather, it is merely a voice for self-styled "Mormon Liberals." I personally have no regard for anything that comes from the minds of Mormon Liberals, no matter how annotated their narratives are, or how sophisticated their constructs. How can a faithful Latter-day Saint have any affection for a journal that publishes pieces from known apostates, and expose's of the sacred temple endowment? Mormon Liberals demand that everything must square with their intellect. Their intellect is their god, and Mormonism their hobby. Attend one of their symposia and try to breath the air; it is thick with the arrogance of the intellectual elite--the "best and the brightest."

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Living With Christ - Large Print Us Edition

Living With Christ - Large Print Us EditionI subscribe to "Living with Christ" 2 years ago even if I owned a Vatican II Missal because of its portability. I've cherished it ever since. First of all it always has beautiful religious art on the cover and I have saved some of them. Inside you will find an editorial that gives you an idea of the theme of the month's readings are. That is followed by an article on the Gospels. The magazine always has an inspirational piece by a known saint or writer.

To enrich worship, Living with Christ offers a preparation for Sundays that families can meditate on each week. There are also household rituals that bring the celebrations of the liturgical year into our homes.

"Liturgical Link" section contains explanations of the Mass and the "Living our Faith" section is writing that builds on the theme and the elements of our faith. They are usually written by saints/contemplatives.

Also included are morning and evening prayers, articles by priests,religious and other people of faith, and two explorations of the Scriptures which is suitable for individuals or group use.

Finally, it has the Eucharistic Liturgy with all the prayers the priest recites during Mass so readers can follow along, the weekly intercessions, and the daily readings and Gospel for the entire month including feast days and holidays. Sprinkled throughout the issue are quotations from saints that relate to the day's readings.

This magazine is a must for people who want to keep up with the readings of the daily Mass either in church, at home, or at work. I bring my issue on vacation with me. The large print is very easy on the eyes. The plastic cover is an added bonus with built in book marker. Living with Christ also includes an Easter Triduum issue.

Living With Christ Large Print Us Edition

When My first edition of the subscription arrived it was very well packaged with a see-through plastic bag.

I had received several notices via email about my order so that I was well informed by Amazon. Cost for the year subscription $32.95

In retrospect I would not order this monthly magazine through the Amazon Magazine Express company again.

1. A gift subscripion given by me at Christmas time was $ started on January of this year I ordered it late in November 2007.

2. Even without the Christmas special the company publishing "Living with Christ" is offering a regular subscription at $24.95


Finally the initial reference from Amazon stated

"We thought you'd like to know that your magazine order has been

received by our magazine subscription provider, Magazine Express, Inc..

The first issue of the subscription should take up to 12_to_16_weeks to

arrive from the date you placed your order."

The actual time was about half that time.

The content of "Living with Christ" is what I expected and I am pleased with the subscription

Buy Living With Christ - Large Print Us Edition Now

This is a wonderful book if you like reading the daily readings. I am a lector and use this book often to prepare before mass. This enables me to see any hard to pronounce names or city names before mass so I can look up the pronunciation on the internet. Also great for people who are hard of hearing they can follow along using this book.

Read Best Reviews of Living With Christ - Large Print Us Edition Here


EasyridersI like choppers and babes;but sleds are the main thing that makes you wonder which is the beauty and which is the beast!The rag falls short of being informational and useful.If the price was 5.00 per year maybe a good deal.Im glad I subcribed this time,to see how far down it has gone.ADIOS SUCKA!!!!

Easyriders is one of the most informative and entertaining magazines I have had the pleasure to read. H-D58s review is so distant from any reality that I am at a loss to understand his motives or his reasoning. First, there is absolutely no "kiddie-porn" in this magazine. I do not have the time, nor inclination, to diagnose why H-D58 would consider the exposed breasts of "Women" to be pornographic. But I for one find viewing the female form as a healthy and pleasurable experience.

Second, the "Easynews" and "Taking it Easy" sections of the magazine are so enlightening and enjoyable they are almost worth the price of the magazine on their own. Not to mention the exceptional journalism that permeates throughout, giving relevant and expert information covering all aspects motorcycles and motorcycling. The occasional "Women" that so graciously appear from time to time, only add a beautiful contrast to this highly respected and remarkable magazine.

Buy Easyriders Now

I have read Easyrider Mags for years, being a seasoned biker I find Easyriders to be informative, has a varity of products and services. There articles are well written and the layouts of events are good.

Read Best Reviews of Easyriders Here

This is a great magazine for anyone who is seriously into motorcycling and the "biker lifestyle". It covers many great articles showing and reviewing some of the best customs out there, not to mention they cover the standard factory bikes to, including classics. Oh yeah, and the babes aren't bad either!

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You better have your girl tame before you get this mag. Full of all the right bikes with lots of curves and booby shots. Pure American Man magazine!

Save 52% Off


SkateboardingThis is a (very brief) review of four different skateboard magazines. To make sure that previous experience was not biasing my opinion (too much), I got four issues that were out at the same time. The magazines are Transworld Skateboarding (TS), Thrasher Magazine (TM), Skateboarder (SM) and SBC Skateboard (SS).

For photography, TS probably takes the lead. For the skateboard lifestyle, the edge goes to TM. For those who like to read text, SM has the most. Surprisingly, the best is probably SS, which is a balanced combination of all three styles.

Before spending too much on any one magazine, I suggest you try the same so that you get THE magazine you want.

This magazine is exactly what a skating mag should be. Pics, worked in advertisements, nice little poster tear-outs, "skater slang", interviews, top 5's, and all sorts of other goodies you will enjoy.

Buy Skateboarding Now

the magizine is very thick but a lot of it is adds. The adds have good pictures of skaters doing tricks and stuff though. It also has cool interveiws and stuff. It is the only magizine i get. If you like to skate buy this magizeine.

Read Best Reviews of Skateboarding Here

Transworld is worth the Money! It's the price of a regular magazine, but 3 times as thick! Sure there are a lot of adds in it, but hey, they're all just pictures of skaters doing tricks! Also, there are cool articles, interviews, and coverage of tours. Any skater with {money} should buy this. SKATEBOARDNG IS NOT A SPORT!!!!!!!!

Want Skateboarding Discount?

I bought this mag at a grocery store. I'm fascinated with skateboarding. It's a really thick magazine. Probably because nearly everything in it are ads. That's annoying. Good pictures, though. Anyway, it's pretty nice. I'd recommend looking around at other magazines like "Thrasher", "Skateboarding", etc. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Green Magazine

Green MagazineThis publication has been in business for over 24 years and whenever I call to order items or renew, they are friendly and my order is taken care of very promptly. Articles and ads are informative and useful for those who want to restore their tractor, or just find a gift item for a John Deere enthusiast. The magazine is mailed monthly and always mailed on time to hopefully deliver when it should to my mailbox. Over the years the issues just increase in pages, with articles and advertising needed to find parts, services, or other items.

I am a relatively new owner of an antique John Deere tractor, but not new to restorations of antique cars. I was looking for a magazine with lots of restoration tips, lots of dealers for "those hard to find parts" and lots of photos of old tractors, farm machines, etc. This magazine seems to have all these qualities to some degree at least. It just needs more of everything to make it a 5 star rating for me.

Buy Green Magazine Now

I have noticed this magazine seems to be mostly ads and has very little content. I have read it a few times but do not think it is worth subscribing . I also noticed some errors in some of the advice given. I want more accurate information than this provides for restoring my tractor.

Read Best Reviews of Green Magazine Here

Taste of Home (1-year auto-renewal)

Taste of HomeDO NOT SUBSCRIBE to this company...they will try to advance bill you for stuff you didn't order. I placed and paid for a one year subscription from ($5). After that I received a few bills from them for an annual cookbook I didn't order..when I didn't fall for their advanced billing tactic they then sent a letter from an "in house" collection agency called North Shore Agency. When I called to complain they "forgave" my balance and said I didn't owe them anything. This appears to be one of those scams where they fraudulent bill you and then try to scare you into paying for something you didn't order. Calls to customer service were nothing but a run around..IF YOU ORDER BEWARE!!

Taste of Home came out in the early 90's...I think. I even have a copy of the original issue. I was a fan/subscriber, back in the day. I loved the concept of the magazine...absolutely no ads, pictures of all recipes, and different contests, such as the recipe contest and finding the hidden "toothpick". They also had a section for "Can You Help Me?" where other subscribers put in requests for certain recipes and readers could reply to them. There were so many unique features about this magazine, that made me fall in love with it. I subscribed for a number of years. I'm not sure when the magazine decided to change everything. Without knowing these deletions and additions, I ordered the magazine recently. I just got my first magazine. And nothing is like I remembered. There are ads, and articles, and none of the things I remember. I just went through the issue that came and I pulled out two recipes (out of the whole issue) that I would possibly make. What an absolute waste of a great concept for a magazine. Taste of've really disappointed me. I won't be renewing my subscription.

Buy Taste of Home (1-year auto-renewal) Now

Why didnt they leave well enough alone, i hate TOH now, too much stupid advertising...i miss looking for the toothpick. I will not be renewing my membership, after 10 yrs... Hopefuly they get the hint and go back to the older versions.

Read Best Reviews of Taste of Home (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I subscribed to this magazine a few years ago and it was wonderful. I haven't subscribed in several years but decided my mom would love this so I ordered it for her birthday. She just received her 2nd copy and I checked it out while at her house. It was horrible. What happened to this magazine? It was thin, the recipes were nowhere near as good as in years past. Even the recipe cards were useless. I was embarassed that I got her this for her birthday. I will NOT be renewing.

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This magazine is definitely not the Taste of Home (TOH) it used to be. I had a subscription but did not renew because the recipes are not as good, the content has changed, there are more ads and it just isn't as enjoyable to read. It's OK but not what I expect from Taste of Home. From reading the other reviews Im not the only person who feels this way. If you are new to TOH and aren't comparing it to the older TOH you may not be as disappointed by the current publication.

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Golf Tips (1-year auto-renewal)

Golf TipsGolf tips magazine is one of the most aptly titled magazines available today. It is chock full of heavily-illustrated exercises and other tips for serious golfers to improve their games.

There are a number of golf magazines on the newstand today. Most of them rely on a lifestyle format relying more heavily on lifestyle-type stories about today's hot golfers and the courses they play. Most of them include a brief game tip or two but seem aimed at the casual duffer.

Golf Tips, on the other hand, features almost nothing but heavily illustrated tips on improving one's swing, eliminating mistakes and putting better. It also is heavily loaded with features on the latest equipment technology. Each issue also seems to feature an article on the technical aspects of a selected major golf course. The articles are written with terminology that serious golfers will understand but that may confuse the weekend player. Judging by the amount of advertising in its early issues, this magazine also appears to be financially healthy.

If a reader wants to read about the PGA Tour's superstars, this magazine is not for him/her. But if s/he plans to be one of those superstars, Golf Tips is a good match.

If you are the type of golfer who wants to improve your putting, your swing, your choice of equipment, or anything else golf related, then Golf Tips is the magazine for you. This magazine, unlike other golf publications, dedicates almost all of its pages to improvement. Most every golfer wants to get better over time, and Golf Tips is one of the few publications available that focuses all of its contents on self improvement.

As far as the advice goes, Golf Tips is a good magazine and it tries to cover several different aspects of the game in the same issue, so readers can find a relevant article that relates to their own problems. Maybe your problem area is putting. If it is, there is likely a putting article someone in the current issue. Another person might be having trouble perfecting his/her swing and if so, there are plenty of helpful articles that include diagrams so readers will know exactly what to do.

Other magazines include diagrams to illustrate proper maneuvering of the hands and body when swinging a golf club but Golf Tips takes this a step further. It includes not only picture depicting the right way to do it, there are also pictures showing what not to do. With some of these, Golf Tips will make sure the casual reader knows which photo depicts the wrong way to swing by showing a red circle with a line through it (same symbol seen on certain traffic signs), superimposed over the picture. With an illustration like this, there will be no doubt in the golfer's mind what he/she is not supposed to do.

Overall, Golf Tips is a good magazine for someone whose primary interest is improving his/her game. There are other magazines that include some instruction on the game, but Golf Tips concentrates most all of its pages in this area. I prefer a more balanced golf magazine like Golf Digest but I can see how Golf Tips could come in handy. The advice is written like a pro, and it covers something about many different problems in each and every issue.

Buy Golf Tips (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I ordered a one year subscription not through Amazon as it was cheaper elsewhere. Best I can say is that it is cheap. Received three issues at the start. None of the information had to do with current events so I did not complain about being sent previous issues. However when you order a year subscription you expect magazines over one year. Not half of your subscription at the beginning. No articles by big name instructors or players. Magazine is thin about a third as many pages as Golf Digest or Golf Magazine. The six issues are not every other month. They have a strange schedule where get several issues in consecutive months and then it can skip one or more months.

Read Best Reviews of Golf Tips (1-year auto-renewal) Here

As someone who is married to an aspiring golfer, he loves this magazine. I don't know if the tips has helped his game or not, but he sure enjoys reading it. Good price and thank heavens for the auto-renewal.

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Although I was excited to order this magazine, I never received my purchase. I would not recommend the use of this vendor again.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year Subscription

USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year SubscriptionIf you are already a subscriber to USA Today and just want to renew, you should probably wait until your existing subscription is about to expire before ordering through amazon. USA Today doesn't seem to be able to make the link between the existing subscription and one ordered through a 3rd-party, resulting in a less-than-full year extension. I like the paper tho it is the only way I get national sports news; my local paper only covers the local teams.

My nephew was sentenced to 24 years in the "Ham" for a stupid stunt when he was 17 (attempted robbery with two 16 year old boys). The "Ham" is an old state prison near Lovelady, Texas. Clyde, from Bonnie and Clyde, served time there. There are no TVs, little access to outside information, no air conditioning or heating, and certainly no cell phones.

Families are not allowed to send gifts. The only option families have is to pay a publisher to send books and magazines. Even these are reviewed by the prison officials for "acceptable" content. You can't send holiday gifts, nothing but letters, books and magazines. I received an official letter from a prison official saying "you can't send extra stamps in your letters.. it's a 'violation'".

Well my nephew loves USA Today! It's the best source of news and cultural information that's printed daily, and it's a great holiday gift. His release date is not for another 4 years, but since rehabilitation is mostly "virtual" in Texas, USA Today is helping to prepare him for the shock he'll have when he steps outside that prison after 24 years. Without USA Today he wouldn't know much about cell phones, personal computers, gps devices, etc. Now when we visit him, we can talk politics, technology and national events with him. Without USA Today our conversations revolve around prison food with is pretty bad.

Buy USA Today : the Nations Newspaper - 1 Year Subscription Now

Palm Springs Life (1-year auto-renewal)

Palm Springs LifeLove it. I recently purchased a home in Shadow Hills and look forward to hearing about everything thats going on in the Valley

This was a renewal subscription for the magazine and I like it for keeping up with upcoming events in the area..

Buy Palm Springs Life (1-year auto-renewal) Now

I love receiving this magazine via subscription! If you are a regular traveler to the Desert, this will not disappoint. It's fun to stay up on the happenings in between your visits!

Read Best Reviews of Palm Springs Life (1-year auto-renewal) Here

I have to say, I LOVE Palm Springs, I have no idea why, when I first got off the plane I fell in love, that was YEARS ago...I visit as often as I can, but when I can't, Palm Springs Life gives me a little of that perfect place in the comfort of my home in Oregon, the current events, the little update, the calendar of events that keeps me updated on what's going on, I love it. It's a great way to enjoy what I'm always not able to. More times that not this mag has also provided many ideas of places to visit when I go back, which has been fun. AND, as I HUGE bonus, the price on Amazon is the best price around.

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This magazine is all about the ads. There is virtually no journalistic aspect to the magazine. And if there is, it's tainted. For example, the auto reviewer reviews the latest Mercedes-Benz and lo and behold, there's a big ole Mercedes ad on the page. You bet you're getting an impartial review!

The ads are pretty, though.

The second half of the magazine stays pretty much the same issue after issue. There are listings of golf courses, restaurants and things to do. It's a great magazine to buy once before your trip to Palm Springs. It's really not worth a 12-month subscription.

And the last page of each issue is wasted every month by some horoscope that is just terrible. What a waste of ink!

Did I mention the ads are great?!

Good ads!

Save 71% Off


SupergirlI like the character and the many forms of artwork used to portray the character. And Supergirl is now featured as herself rather than Superman in a short skirt which is refreshing. And buying the subscription thru Amazon makes for a convenient bargain saving about 35% off cover price (and no sales tax!).

liked the Maetrix/Linda Danvers supergirl, plus there are an oddly numerous amount of Krypton survivors, takes away from Clark's last survivor thing

Buy Supergirl Now

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Tractor and Machinery

Tractor and MachineryTractor & Machinery was first published in November 1994, and has celebrated over 125 issues! With the combined enthusiasm of the best tractor experts in the world, the magazine has gone from strength to strength, and maintains its position as the market leader. In the early years, the magazine featured just 48 pages, but it has now grown to 204 pages!

Focusing on veteran, vintage, post-vintage, classic and modern tractors, Tractor & Machinery is able to provide unparalleled knowledge, restoration advice, in-depth articles, nostalgic photographs and fascinating interviews for its worldwide readership.

Tractor & Machinery's unrivalled content, meticulous research and contributions makes it the magazine of choice for everyone from the enthusiast and collector to the serious historian.


Kitchen Garden - England

Kitchen Garden - EnglandI lived in the UK (East Kent) for two years and subscribed to Kitchen Gardens. It was marvelous -advice on what grew in my area, what to do in the garden this month, new plant varieties, new seed offers, experience of other UK gardeners in challenging environments, the restructuring of medieval kitchen gardens -in short, a wonderful read and guide to kitchen gardening in the UK.

And at GBP 3 per issue, quite reasonably priced ... but $100 for 6 issues, describing seeds we are unlikely to get, growing conditions unlike what we deal with, shows (and garden tours) we can't attend ... it's still a great read, but its utility is vastly reduced and one has to wonder about the cost/benefit ratio ...

I decided that as much as I loved it in the UK, it's a pass in the US. Sorry ...

Cakes and Sugarcraft

Cakes and SugarcraftI like to bake and make chocolate truffles. So this magazine from Squires is excellent. Delivery is good never have had to complain that I did not receive an issue. If you like to bake and use fondant and other frostings, this is the magazine for you!